What Exactly Does WordPress Development Involve? The Site Slinger Explains

What Is WordPress Development?

According to the data on builtwith.com, WordPress (WP) firmly holds first place among similar content management systems (CMSs) and is far ahead of its closest competitor.

WordPress Is Fare Ahead Its Competitors

What makes this CMS so popular among many businesses and organizations such as the White House or Sony Music? Here are just a few of WP’s benefits to give you an idea.

  1. Flexibility. WP is one of the most flexible content management platforms out there and a good WordPress development agency can work wonders for your business website. While its original purpose was to host and manage blogs, these days, it’s used for almost any type of site, be it a portfolio site, non-profit organization site, or e-commerce store.
  2. Extensibility. A WP site is extremely easy to create, even for someone who has never been involved in web development before. However, basic WordPress has limited functionality, which is not sufficient to handle more complex tasks such as inventory management or video conferencing. To fill this gap, the official WP directory offers tons of helpful plugins, both commercial and free. In addition, WP site owners can hire developers to code custom plugins for their unique business needs.
  3. A rich variety of themes. The way a site looks is no less, and in certain cases even more important, than the way it functions. WP offers its users a huge number of ready-made themes, which represent collections of code in separate folders that you can download and install through the dashboard. Then, you can tweak them to give your site a unique look. Another option is to create a custom theme.
  4. Convenient content addition and manipulation features. WP is a blogging software pioneer. Over the years, it has been improving existing and adding new content creation and management options such as the Gutenberg content editor or autosaving. Even novices can get to grips with these features in no time. This incredible ease of working with content attracts many news agencies to WP, for example, BBC America.

Of course, WP has a lot more advantages than we’ve listed above. When companies start working with this platform, though, they realize that they need more fine-tuning than they can get out of the box. This prompts them to start looking for WordPress developers. Sadly enough, they often come across people who don’t deserve the title.

That’s why we think it will be interesting and useful for you to learn what skills and knowledge a professional WordPress developer should possess and what WP development actually involves. This should save you time, nerves, and money in the long run.

What Differentiates Amateurs from True WordPress Developers?

Choose real WordPress Professionals


First, let’s talk about people you can hardly consider WP developers, let alone WP experts.

The ease of using and configuring WP is both its blessing and its curse. Even a teenager can get a WordPress site up and running by spending just a few weeks or even days learning how to do it. This is the reason why there are so many freelancers claiming to be professional WP developers.

However, just installing and tweaking a theme or adding a couple of plugins is far from being classified as professional WP development.

True WordPress Professionals

A true WP developer is someone who knows the platform inside and out — its file system and core functions. They are not just simple users who can install a plugin or change a theme, although they can do that all too.

What distinguishes a real WP expert is the knowledge of the principal web development technologies for the front-end (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) and the back-end (PHP and SQL) sides. Additionally, they should have an eye for aesthetics and be well familiar with the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) principles.

What Exactly Do a WP Developer’s Responsibilities Involve?

A WordPress Developer must be proficient in back-end technologies

WP developers belong to a broader category of web developers. If necessary, they can take on the full website development cycle, starting from the requirements analysis to support and maintenance. However, they are back-end specialists in the first turn.

A WP developer is an expert in PHP, one of the most popular programming languages in the world. PHP is the weapon of choice in the majority of e-commerce projects. Its main purpose is to interact with a database, sending data to it and retrieving data from it through SQL queries, and then manipulating it as required.


A WorPress Developer can integrate themes

By using these two essential tools (PHP and SQL), a WP developer takes theme files prepared by a designer and front-end specialist and integrates them into the WP site. Data from forms that a theme contains must be sent to the site’s database safely. Product data with descriptions, prices, and visuals stored in the database must be retrieved and displayed on the site correctly.

All this requires writing high-quality PHP scripts that contain SQL queries. The code must be clean, easy to read, and hard to crack by hackers. It must also be well-tested by the developer himself or herself and by dedicated QA professionals to ensure the best quality.

For example, our WP developers follow the TDD (Test Driven Development) methodology. In a nutshell, it assumes writing tests based on the technical specifications prior to typing a line of code. As a result, our WP experts create top-quality, bug-free code.

More on WP themes read here.


A WordPress Developer can build custom plugins

Another major area of a WP developer’s expertise is writing custom plugins or tweaking existing ones. WordPress provides some basic functionality to add and manipulate content. To extend it, WP developers create PHP scripts that perform additional functions, known as plugins.

There are tons of plugins in the official WP directory, fulfilling all kinds of functions, starting from search engine optimization and security and ending with data import and export. Plugins often represent a collection of several types of files (CSS, JavaScript, images, PHP) intended to perform a particular task.

What makes PHP scripts as plugins different from PHP scripts written for themes is that the former are available to all themes, while the latter are attached to the current theme only. Change the theme and your functionality is gone.

That said, the same requirements for code quality concern plugins as well. WP developers must pay particular attention to the security of their plugin code and regularly update it, since plugins are the most coveted of hackers’ targets. To learn more about plugins, visit the official WP website.


WordPress is the leading content management platform on the planet. With its flexibility, extensibility, and versatility, it attracts a wide audience of users, starting from individual bloggers and professionals who want to showcase their projects and ending with governments and large corporations.

Not everyone who can add plugins and tweak themes deserves to be called a professional WP developer. A genuine WP specialist has deep knowledge of the main web development technologies and can create high-quality custom plugins and themes.

This is exactly what The Site Slinger WordPress developers can offer you. With over 2,415 WP projects implemented to date, our WP pros have amassed unrivaled experience in all WordPress-related tasks.

We can develop a WP site of any scope and purpose from the ground up or tweak your existing site to suit your needs. The Site Slinger WP developers are proficient in using all staple web technologies, PHP and its frameworks like Lavarel in particular, and can integrate a wide variety of external solutions with your WP site, such as WooCommerce or the Event Calendar.

Avoid amateurs, trust professionals! Get in touch with us for any requests or questions regarding WordPress development.


Take Your Advertising Campaigns to the Next Level with Our HTML5 Banners

Our HTML 5 Banners

Advertising has always had a huge significance for businesses of all kinds. In the tough and highly competitive world of commerce today, though, it has acquired even greater importance than ever. 

Nowadays, all companies realize the value that online advertising can bring them. The leading position among online promotion methods is rightly occupied by the HTML5 banner ads.

HTML5 banners are highly engaging, visually attractive, and efficient means of conveying business messages and acquiring leads.

We at the Site Slinger saw the value of HTML5 banners right from the start. Now, after many years and thousands of successfully completed projects, we proudly hold the status of a leading provider of this type of display ads. Want to know exactly what we can offer you? Read on.


First, a few words about the technology itself. This is what makes HTML5 so desirable for making banners:

HTML5 Benefits

  • HTML5 banners will look perfect, regardless of the screen resolution of the device where they’re displayed. The Site Slinger builds completely responsive banner ads. 
  • A number of major advertising networks (e.g., Google Ads) accept ads built by using HTML5 and nothing else (e.g., Flash). 
  • HTML5 banners can have moving design elements. 
  • No add-ons are necessary. The target audience will see your message without fail. This is not always possible with Flash if a user has disabled it in their browser or simply forgot to update it. 
  • HTML5 banners weigh much less than ads built with the use of other technologies such as animated gifs. This significantly increases the page loading speed, contributing to better user experience and higher click-through rates.

These and other advantages of the HTML5 technology convinced our banner development professionals to make it our principal tool of the trade, and we’ve never regretted our choice. We’ve already built thousands of beautiful-looking, high-quality HTML5 banners of the following types. Take your pick!


Interactive Banner One

As the name suggests, visitors can interact with this type of banner. For instance, they can see more information about the advertised products by using a slider right inside an ad or play a simple game without leaving an ad. 

In the end, a prospect or customer is taken to a landing page where they can view the corresponding offer in detail. That contributes to better brand recognition, plus a higher conversion and increased click-through rates. 

It’s true that interactive banners are the most expensive type of HTML5 ads we build: $124 for one. That’s because they require more effort and time it takes us to make one such banner. That said, interactive banners can hit the target three times more often than other types of ads on average. 

Simple Animated and Complex Animated 

Simple animated

Complex Animated Banner

While just a bit less engaging than interactive ads, these types of HTML5 banners are still very powerful tools in any digital advertiser’s arsenal. 

They represent design elements that move, hiding other design elements that appeared before them or taking their positions inside other elements at certain time intervals. Thanks to this effect, you have an opportunity to provide more information about your business propositions within the same square or rectangular area. 

Images or other design components can move once only in accordance with a specific animation effect (e.g., slowly appear on the background or float from one side of the ad to another) or do that a specified number of times. In addition, some elements can remain stationary while others are moving. The final price depends on how elaborate and effect-rich the ad is. 

Even though one complex animated banner costs $86, this is not expensive, considering what benefits these display ads can bring you (higher click-through rates and better engagement). 


Static Banner

Owing to relative simplicity, one such ad is way less expensive than its more exquisite “relatives.” Our price is $22 a piece. 

There are other positive aspects:

  •  Static ads are not annoying, taking up their portion of a page without “dancing” before a user’s eyes.
  • You can still send your message to the world loud and clear.
  • Static ads are always in sight. That contributes to better brand awareness.

The types of HTML5 banners we build


We know that you may require something unique, something to produce the wow effect among your target audience. This is why our HTML5 banner ad service is not limited by the banner varieties we’ve described above. Just tell us what you need. We’ll implement any feature not included in our list. 

Have no design yet? No problem. We take care of the full development cycle, starting from the initial design and ending with the final delivery, and all this within one business day on average. We can also integrate a video file into your banner if necessary. 

In addition, we’ll make sure that your HTML5 banners seamlessly integrate with any advertising network, including IAB, Display & Video 360, Celtra, Google Ads, SIzmek, and others. 

So select a standard HTML5 banner or give us your own ideas. The Site Slinger is always here for you!

5 Effective Tools to Help You Automate Your Shopify Business

5 Effective tools to automate your Shopify business

Automating any business, e-commerce businesses in particular, helps its owners save money and time as well as increase sales. Automation gives companies real value when they start growing and require larger inventories and more efforts directed to customer retention and support. 

Instead of hiring new people to deal with the increased workload and spending money on their salaries and benefits packages, a business can simply take advantage of specialized software that handles the same tasks as, or even more efficiently and costs far less.

Although Shopify is probably the easiest e-commerce platform to set up, new merchants may find themselves at a loss when faced with a multitude of business tasks, from finding products to sell and email marketing to reporting and profit calculations. 

Unfortunately, the Shopify core doesn’t provide all automatic business management functions. Not to panic, though. You can find a wealth of tools on the official Shopify App Store. All of them have gone through strict verification and quality checks and can now be safely integrated into your e-commerce website.

The number of apps in the App Store is huge: 3,645 at the moment of writing the post. To save you some trouble, we’ve prepared a review of five apps in five different categories that you can try out to automate some of the most common business processes.


APP TITLE: Shop Workflow Automation

Shop Flow Automation

Before writing a line of code, the app developers had gone to great pains to survey a variety of Shopify merchants on which of their daily routines and workflows could and should be automated. That alone should make Shop Workflow Automation trustworthy. 

Consider it your personal digital assistant, responsible for the smooth operation of your shop and promptly responding to any events that need attention.

One of its most appealing features is the automatic removal of out-of-stock items from the store. Simultaneously, the app notifies the store owner that a product is no longer in stock and needs to be restocked. Shop Workflow Automation also conducts the daily monitoring of the stock and redisplays products that it (or the administrator) has removed from the store previously.

Sadly, online merchants fall victim to the fraud of all kinds in 2019, just like they did in the years before. Fraudsters constantly find new ways to cheat and steal. To counteract them, Shop Workflow Automation automatically detects suspicious orders and sends emails to the store owner with the relevant details. This way, the merchant has a chance to study the order carefully before fulfilling it to avoid a chargeback in the future. 


APP TITLE: Simile | Smart Bundles


The Frequently Bought Together bundle you see on many e-commerce websites, including Amazon, is a good way to boost your upselling and cross-selling efforts. You can automatically add a bundle like that to your products too. The Simile | Smart Bundles app performs just this function.

The app looks into your database for past purchases and then applies an artificial intelligence algorithm to create a bundle for each product automatically. Normally, three items are included in a bundle. What’s more, new e-commerce sites with no purchases made yet can have this algorithm applied as well.

With Simile | Smart Bundles you can also add a discount to the items in a bundle, which encourages your customers to buy more products. All of the items in a bundle and only they will get a reduction in price. Once a consumer removes at least one item from a bundle, the discount on the products left in the cart is canceled.

Another feature worth mentioning: as soon as a customer adds a bundle to the cart, they’re immediately taken to the checkout page. This is very beneficial in regards to the speed of the shopping process and contributes to a higher conversion rate.


APP TITLE: Lifetimely: Profit & LTV


How can you make your sales more effective? By analyzing the data about your purchases and adjusting your marketing strategy accordingly. This is where you’ll find the Lifetimely app invaluable. 

With this advanced analytics toolkit for Shopify, you’ll be able to track your customer lifetime value and see your best-purchasing customers’ shopping patterns. You’ll also be able to watch your profits in real time by looking at the data from your Shopify store, shipping data, costs, and marketing data (Google, Facebook, etc.) in one centralized location — profit dashboard

The provided Lifecycle Grid will help you understand your customer base better over time by letting you see what has changed in it. Thus, you can determine the groups of customers that no longer visit your store.

You can also see what products, channels, or categories are more or less profitable and export the customers or segments for the email service of your choice. The app integrates with Google Ads, Adwords, and Facebook Ads.


APP TITLE: MassFulfill


This app should save a lot of your time on fulfilling orders. If you have a large number of files with tracking data, you can upload them to the app and have them fulfilled in bulk instead of adding the data to your orders piece by piece. 

Also, if you ship different SKUs from different suppliers or locations, you can specify the SKUs of that place in the file you upload and thus will be able to fulfill only the line items that correspond to the SKUs.

The app developer has provided the Google Sheets integration feature. You can make a spreadsheet with your orders and send it to your supplier. You can easily fulfill the orders the spreadsheet contains.

How do you know you’re going to fulfill the right orders? You can see what is about to happen on the confirmation page, thus completely eliminating the possibility of an error. 

Among other notable MassFulfill features are mass tagging by order number and bulk unfulfilling of orders, should you suddenly realize you’ve done something wrong or need to add products to a file. 


APP TITLE: Automated RMAs and Returns


There are a number of reasons why consumers return goods to retailers. An item has a defect, its description on the site is different from what it really is, or it is a size too small or too large. The list goes on and on. 

Having to accept returns from your customers is something you simply can’t avoid. What you can do, though, is automate this process. The Automated RMAs and Returns app will take most of the load off your shoulders.

Instead of contacting you in person, a customer provides the information about the order, specifies the products they’d like to return, gives the reasons for their decision, and leaves their email address — all through the app.

After that, they get a prepaid label for dropping off their no-longer-wanted items at the shipping carrier you’ve chosen. Emails with relevant return data are delivered to you and the customer. That’s how it looks in a nutshell. However, the feature list is long. Here are some other benefits:  

  • You can completely customize the messages you send to your customers. 
  • You can set rules to return goods to a different location. 
  • You can automatically keep your customers updated on the status of their return at each stage of the process. 
  • You can export the full list of your returns to an Excel spreadsheet for reporting purposes. 
  • You can accept money from your customers for return postage via Stripe.


Shopify makes it easy to automate various e-commerce business processes through hundreds of apps on its App Store. If you’re new to this great e-commerce platform, why not start with the tools we’ve suggested above, exploring the rest of your options in the meantime? 

If you have any questions related to running your Shopify store, want a unique theme designed to stand out from your competitors, or need a custom app to perform your business-specific logic, The Site Slinger developers are always here to provide the best services on the market.

Drupal 8 Modules to Make an E-Commerce Website More Profitable


Ecommerce modules

These days, fewer consumers want to waste their time standing in lines or roaming around shopping malls in search of things they need. Why all that trouble? Just open up an e-commerce website, make a few clicks, and get nearly everything under the sun delivered right to your threshold.

Among numerous e-commerce solutions, Drupal is gaining more significance with every passing year. Although it doesn’t include e-commerce features by default, unlike such platforms as Shopify or Magento, Drupal 8 makes up for it with a well-developed system of modules.

If we run a search on the official Drupal website, it returns 1,756 e-commerce modules at the moment of writing this post. While that’s a huge number, you don’t need to install all of those extensions. Just find out what consumers value in an e-commerce solution above all and pick one module for each requirement. 

Drupal modules


What Do Customers Need in an E-Commerce Site Above All? 

While many aspects are important for online stores to succeed, we believe that some areas are really crucial: 

    1. SEO. Customers need to know about your offerings and should be able to find your store in the vast space of the Internet.
    2. Convenient purchasing procedure: 
  • The checkout process should be short and intuitive. 
  • There should be a number of payment channels for customers’ convenience. 
  • Prices should be calculated in all possible currencies. 
  • Customers should know exactly how much they will have to pay for shipment depending on their location. 
  • Customers should get a detailed invoice right after they’ve made a purchase. 

When your e-commerce site is easy to use, it contributes to higher customer satisfaction, generates more traffic, and ultimately increases the conversion rate. Now, let’s review the top Drupal 8 modules that can make an e-commerce website more lucrative. 

Our List of Top Drupal 8 E-Commerce Modules 

SEO Checklist 

SEO Checklist

This module helps Drupal site owners remember every SEO task required to improve their online store’s search engine visibility. The SEO Checklist will ensure you don’t forget to clean duplicate content, use keywords in headings, optimize images with descriptive ALT tags, or perform many other essential SEO tasks. You’ll be notified whenever you’ve missed one of the items on the list.

Moreover, if you’re not sure about the best way to handle a certain SEO task, the module will helpfully suggest the best options for you. The same thing happens if you’ve done something wrong from SEO’s point of view. The module will “complain” and tell you exactly what’s amiss. 

We all know how frequently Google loves changing its search algorithm. With SEO Checklist, though, it’s not an issue, since it gets updated on a regular basis. Any of Google’s new rules are immediately reflected in the module’s list. 


If you’re a small or mid-size business owner, you’ll find this module simply indispensable. It helps you create a ground-level shopping cart system in no time and with a minimum amount of effort. 

You can use Ubercart for any type of business, starting from selling physical merchandise like furniture or electronics and ending with downloading digital products like PDF files. This module enables you to do the following: 

  • Add products to a configurable catalog 
  • Create and edit orders 
  • Automatically generate accounts 
  • Add multiple images for the same product 
  • Track stock and get warning messages when some items are about to run out 

This list is far from complete. One of the most appealing Ubercart’s features is a one-page checkout — every e-commerce website owner’s dream. Customers don’t have to go through several forms on different pages until they can finally call something their own. 

Ubercart also includes an integrated payment system. It lets you select various payment options such as credit card or check, as well as payment processors, including PayPal, CyberSource, and others. That’s what we meant when we stressed the need for several payment channels on an e-commerce site. 



If your own country has suddenly become too small for your growing online business, you may want to move up to the international level. Then, you’ll have to adapt your online store for displaying prices in different currencies. That’s exactly what the Currency module is for. 

  • Convert currencies and present them in the appropriate format depending on a customer’s locale
  • Show the necessary information about specific currencies 

With Currency, you get the entire world covered. More profits without hassle!  


The success of any e-commerce site depends to a large extent on a smooth user experience. If a customer can find an online store easily, have one checkout page instead of six, and pay in any currency via a gateway of his or her choice, the chance that he or she will become a regular is higher. 

While the e-commerce modules we’ve described in this post are a great help for any Drupal-powered online shop manager, building a truly secure, SEO-friendly, and feature-rich site requires professional assistance. 

The Site Slinger’s experienced Drupal developers can take care of many Drupal-related tasks including PSD to Drupal development. Just get in touch with us and let us turn your ideas into a perfect e-commerce solution. 

7 Tips on Creating an HTML5 Banner Ad None of Your Prospects Will Miss


Tips on creating effective HTML 5 banners

No business can survive without advertising, obviously. Banner ads are among the most effective means of attracting new customers on the Internet. Just open any serious website and you’re bound to see enticing banners for products or services on almost every page. 

Banner advertising pursues several goals:

  • drive more traffic to a website 
  • make a product or service more popular and recognizable 
  • create a positive brand image

Banner ads have another important benefit. If a visitor clicks on an ad and lands on the advertiser’s website, it means that they’re truly interested in the offer. Thus, their status is close to that of a prospective customer.

To judge how effective banner advertising is, the Click-Through Rate (CTR) indicator has been introduced. It measures how many people have clicked on a banner per one thousand times it has been viewed. For instance, 20 clicks/1,000 views = CTR of 2 percent.

How can you achieve a higher CTR? By choosing the right type of banner for your specific case and applying certain time-tested techniques. We’ve collected 7 best tips to help you boost the CTR for your banner ads. Follow these guidelines and you should soon notice a steady increase in your website traffic.

  1. Choose the Right Technology

It’s simple: HTML5 is the King of Kings when it comes to building banner ads. HTML5 has outperformed the previous leader in this field ― Flash ― by the widest of margins:

HTML 5 benefits

The latest version of the markup language is particularly valuable for building responsive websites that perfectly render on mobile devices. Result: a much wider audience coverage. 

In addition, you can edit your HTML5 banner ad as if it were an ordinary web page. Changing the text, videos, or images inside your banner is a breeze (if you know how). Flash-based banners are much harder to modify. 

  1. Pick the Optimal Banner Size 

Mark Twain famously said, “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” When talking about banner ads, though, “the size of the dog” matters no less than its fighting spirit. 

Visit the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) website. There, you can find the main requirements for banner sizes that various advertising networks have put in place. The list contains 15 different formats. Which is yours? 

Your ad design and business goals determine the answer. Vertical or horizontalit’s all case-specific. Still, AdSense has found these five formats to be undisputed leaders in terms of performance:

The leading banner sizes

Play around with them before you look to the underdogs. You may also be interested to know that wider banners have shown better click-through rates than narrow ones. Why? 

As is often the case, it all boils down to UX. Most people feel more comfortable reading longer lines from left to right. A thin banner, by contrast, mostly contains one or two-word lines. That makes the reader’s eyes jump from line to line far too often.

  1. Put Your Brand Above All 

When you start designing a banner ad, the first thing to keep in mind is your brand. People should know what company is advertising the goods or services. Otherwise, they may not even consider pointing the mouse cursor at your banner.

You can establish a connection between your company and the ad in two main ways: 

  • By displaying your logo or brand name within the banner. The most typical location for a brand logo is the uppermost or lowermost portion of an ad. However, you can be more creative in this respect. No logo available? Place your brand name somewhere on the ad at least. Whichever option you select, website visitors will be aware of your business even if they don’t click on the banner in the end.

Put your brand above all

  • By following the pattern common for all your marketing materials. That includes fonts, colors, and visuals. Giving the call-to-action button the same color or style as that of the landing page, for example, will create a permanent link between the banner and your brand in your prospects’ minds. 
  1. Keep Your Text Short

Scroll up to the list of the most popular banner ad sizes. None of them is too big, right? It means that you have to be very resourceful if you want to get your message across within such a limited space. Pin down the most essential details about your offering. A few lines too many and your beautifully designed banner will send any potential customers running away. 

Ask someone to read your ad. If they can’t fully understand the message after two seconds, cut your text down. Make sure you keep your ad to 10 words in length or less.

Keep the text of your banner short

  1. Create a Hierarchy for Your Information

You should structure all your messages on the more important-less important principle. The larger or bolded words will let the viewers understand that they’re central to the ad. Smaller, unbolded letters will indicate that it’s something extra, secondary to the key message.

Create a hierarchy for your infromation

Also, make sure you use mobile-friendly fonts and colors: 

  • The black-white combination works perfectly well in the majority of cases. 
  • Helvetica, Geneva, Arial, Avant Garde, Franklin Gothic, or other sans-serif fonts make your ads easier to read than serif fonts. 
  • Avoid extremes: a text that’s too big or too small (10 points or less). Strive for the golden mean. 
  1. Draw a Border Around Your Ad

In certain cases, it’s hard to tell where the main website content ends and a banner begins. 

If the website visitors can’t find your banner at once, they’re less likely to click on it, you bet. A fix? 

  • Give your ad a border 
  • Pick a background for your ad that differs from the rest of the page. 

That will make your ad stand out from the other content. Any visitor will immediately notice it. The better people see your ad, the more likely they’re to click on it.

Make you HTML 5 banner ad different from the surrounding content

  1. Entice Them 

Finally, remember that you should give your prospective or current customers something that will really draw them in. When they see the words “free trial,” they’re more likely to click on your banner. You can also write something like “Only in May” or “Just Now!” That will create a sense of urgency. 

Another way to get people to click on your banner is to come up with a good call-to-action (CTA). Experiment with different CTAs by running A/B tests. Choose a CTA that’s more specific than the ubiquitous “Click here.” Consider what it is you’re offering and try to use a “buzz” phrase. For example, you may write, “Buy the full solution for just…” or “Get certified in 2 weeks.”



Creating an effective banner ad is a science and an art. Try following the tips we’ve given above, and your next banner should bring you more new customers.  

If you need someone to take care of the technical aspect of your banner creation, the Site Slinger professionals are here to help. We can build several types of HTML5 banners: static, simple animated, complex animated, and interactive. Just give us your design and get back a perfect HTML5 banner tested on a variety of real devices and in the most popular web browsers.

We can also design your banner from scratch. Just provide us with the details of your offering and give us your ideas of how the banner should look like. You’ll be pleased with the outcome, we promise!

6 Reasons for Choosing Shopify to Build a Successful Dropshipping Business


Shopify is the best platform for dropshipping

The share of e-commerce in total U.S. retail sales in the first quarter of 2019 has reached 10.5%. That’s a 6.3% increase compared to the first quarter of 2010. The total amount of money that U.S. consumers are expected to spend online should reach over 740 billion dollars in 2023. 

It means that e-commerce is likely to replace traditional retail operations almost entirely in the not so distant future. These days, an increasing number of businesses and individual entrepreneurs conduct transactions via online storefronts using the dropshipping retail fulfillment method and various e-commerce platforms. 

What is dropshipping, why is it so popular, and why is Shopify the best e-commerce solution for building dropshipping online stores? Find the answers below.

Dropshipping — Business for the Masses 

What Is Dropshipping? 

Consider the traditional business model of selling physical products. A retailer buys goods from a manufacturer, stores them in a warehouse, and then sells them to customers through brick-and-mortar retail outlets. 

The dropshipping model works differently. Instead of storing goods in a warehouse, a dropshipping company purchases the items a customer wants from a third-party supplier and has them delivered to the customer’s location through the same supplier or a delivery company. 

As such, a dropshipping business only accepts orders via its online storefront and arranges the shipment of goods to customers’ addresses. The warehousing stage is missing. Here’s what the workflow looks like in a nutshell:

Dropshipping workflow

Dropshipping is not a new concept. Many big, well-established companies have been using it for a long time. Amazon is probably one of the most notable examples. 

How much can dropshippers make? It depends on the niche. If you’re selling items of mass consumption such as T-shirts or shoes, don’t expect large profits because of fierce competition. On the other hand, when offering expensive merchandise like jewelry or brand watches, dropshippers’ profit margin can reach as much as 100%. 

Benefits of Dropshipping 

The popularity of dropshipping is growing by the hour, and for a good reason. Here’s why we can call it a retail fulfillment method for the masses. 

Almost No Upfront Expenses 

Dropshipping means no need to purchase goods. Therefore, a business owner only has to cover the hosting expenses for the online store and pay for additional web development services like themes, apps, and so on. 

Immediate Start 

This is a very straightforward business. Dropshippers don’t have to go through the routine of conventional retailers: running a warehouse, preparing goods for shipment, ensuring that the stock is full, and performing other “old school” retailer’s tasks. 

All they need to do is strike a deal with a reliable shipper, pick an affordable and efficient e-commerce platform, fill the website with the information about items for sale, and begin accepting orders. This may take just a few weeks. 

No Fixed Business Location 

With dropshipping, you’re not limited in space. You can easily combine traveling with business. In essence, there are only two things you need: 

  • A laptop 
  • Internet access

A Wide Assortment of Goods

Dropshippers can offer any products to their customers as long as they can find appropriate suppliers for them. A dropshipping business may focus on one particular niche, such as sportswear or on a variety of different products. Sell children’s toys along with books, building materials, and electronics. Why not? 

Make Your Business Bigger Whenever You Need 

Every business wants to grow, naturally. Traditional retailers often struggle with expanding their operations. More manpower, more money to invest, and more space in the available warehouses or new warehouses to rent. 

Dropshipping makes this all unnecessary. New orders are simply forwarded to a supplier for processing. A dropshipper may only have to spend more time on customer service. The supplier takes care of the nitty-gritty of order-handling. 

One of the most important aspects of the dropshipping business is choosing the right e-commerce system. According to Statista, the largest market share among e-commerce software platforms in the United States in 2019 belongs to Shopify. Here are 6 arguments why you should choose this platform for your dropshipping store. 

Shopify, the Best E-Commerce Platform for Dropshipping


Shopify market share

Statista: Projected market share of e-commerce software platforms in the United States in 2019

Reason #1: No Advanced Technical Skills Required. Good for Beginners 

Shopify is a SaaS (Sofware as a Service) solution. It’s hosted in the cloud and maintained by the Shopify development team. There’s no need to watch out for updates. Just focus on the store itself and let the vendor take care of all the technical aspects. You only need to pay a monthly fee. 

Shopify is especially good for small companies and individual entrepreneurs who want to start their online stores quickly without having to slog through the details of the CMS. The dashboard is easy-to-use and intuitive. When adding a new item, you can specify all of its attributes (price, quantity, and so on) in one central location. Very convenient. 

Reasons # 2: A Multitude of Apps to Complement a Store’s Functionality


Shopify apps for dropshipping

The Shopify App Store contains over 3,381 items at the moment of writing this post. These applications help online store owners get closer to their customers via a live chat, keep their bookkeeping records neat, automate marketing campaigns, and address other important issues. 

Among those 3,300+, you can find around 150 specialized dropshipping apps, both free and commercial. For example, Oberlo facilitates finding products to sell on Shopify. All these apps are valuable time-saving tools for dropshippers. 

Reasons # 3: Dozens of Payment Gateways to Choose from 

Shopify is the champion when it comes to payment options. Over 100 gateways! The closest competitors are still way behind Shopify in this respect.

Customers can choose among many third-party providers, such as Amazon Pay or Skrill, according to their geographic regions. Here is a list for the United States. Fees for using these services apply. 

You can also use Shopify’s own gateway called Shopify Payments. You don’t have to pay fees for using Shopify Payments. Just conduct a transaction with your card (credit or debit). 

What’s more, you can sell your goods in different currencies through Shopify Payments. The system will identify the customer’s country and convert the price to that country’s currency in accordance with the current exchange rate. The only downside is that Shopify Payments is available in a limited number of countries. 

Reason # 4: Easy Shipping Options Adjustment 

Setting different shipping rates based on the weight and value of goods, customers’ locations, or delivery time is crucial for any dropshipping business. Shopify excels at this too. 

Besides, Shopify has partnered with the world’s leading shipping companies like DHL and UPS. So, if you decide to purchase goods from a manufacturer and choose your own courier service, Shopify is there for you as well. 

Reason # 5: Excellent SEO Capabilities 

What’s the use of building a store if no one can find it on the Internet? Shopify does a great job of improving search engine visibility. It has a plethora of useful SEO functions, like customizable titles, meta-tags, keywords, alt text, and many more

In addition, the e-commerce platform provides Integration with the largest media channels like Facebook. With all these SEO bells and whistles, your chances that Google will fall in love with your dropshipping store become much higher. 

Reason # 6: Care for Mobile Users

Shopify cares for mobile users

When an online store owner ignores mobile users, the business is bound to fail. An ever-increasing number of customers today prefer shopping from their handheld devices. 

The Shopify team is well aware of this trend. It has ensured that all websites based on their platform look great regardless of screen resolution. Besides, mobile commerce features allow both consumers and business owners to work with their Shopify-powered online stores on mobile devices in the same way they work with the web version. 

Bottom Line

Dropshipping is an easy-to-set-up and profitable business that requires a minimum amount of upfront investments. It attracts entrepreneurs with its flexibility of selecting products for sale and without having to be tied to one specific location. 

Most dropshippers prefer Shopify as the e-commerce platform behind their online stores. It’s simple in operation, requires no technical expertise, is easy to scale, and provides many useful functions, such as adjusting shipment options and accepting payments through numerous gateways. 

While Shopify is a great solution that anyone can get up and running fast, making it really beautifully designed, SEO-friendly, and secure is a job for professionals. The Site Slinger’s Shopify development team is always at your service, whatever idea you have for your online store. We perform PSD to Shopify conversion and can customize your Shopify themes to look great on any device.

5 Hottest Web Development Trends in 2019

The hottest web development trends in 2019

We’re well into 2019 now, and the web development world is in many ways different from the 2018 edition. While all of the front-end technologies and practices that piqued people’s excitement in the last twelve months or so are still here, new trends are gradually cropping up. 

The key principle that all web developers, including the Site Slinger experts, strive to follow, though, remains unchanged. It’s the need to engage users and personalize their digital experience. We’ve prepared a rundown of the most notable web development trends in 2019 that focus on these goals exactly.

Progressive Web Apps Versus Responsive Websites: Meet the Winner

Progressive Web Apps

First, there were static websites with just HTML and not much else. Then came CSS, Javascript, and other technologies that made websites more dynamic and responsive. These days, however, responsiveness has transformed into a much broader notion.

Just a responsive website is no longer enough to meet the users’ growing demands in 2019. On certain devices, it may not look as attractive as you might expect. That limitation gave rise to an alternative solution: Progressive Web Apps (PWA).

A PWA is a website that perfectly adapts to the specifics of the device where it gets displayed: screen resolution and size, browser, and hardware features. As a result, it’s almost impossible to notice any differences between a PWA and a native app.

Here are the key benefits that PWAs give web developers and users: 

  • Since they can access the device’s hardware, you can use PWAs offline. 
  • They’re fast, even on outdated or poor-quality devices with a weak signal. 
  • They’re a step up in security compared with responsive websites 
  • They are cost-effective and less time-consuming to create. 

Your main takeaway? Lower bounce and higher conversion rates. 

“How may I help  you?” — AI and Chatbots

Artificial Intelligence

According to a recent report from Gartner, 37% of organizations have implemented Artificial Intelligence in various forms, and this trend is going to continue in the foreseeable future.

Almost every business website uses a live chat as a permanent point of connection with consumers. Now, this feature has become more sophisticated. No more need to hire a human support agent waiting for a customer to text a question at 3 a.m. 

Just get a chatbot made and keep it running day and night. Thanks to the breakthrough in Natural Language Processing, chatbots no longer resemble mechanically speaking toys. They’re now able to answer typical questions from the Q&A page in a much more meaningful way and even solve simple issues that users may encounter. 

So, expect chatbot development to remain in high demand in 2019 and years to come.

Push Notifications: Everywhere, Anywhere 

Email newsletters are still a popular way to inform consumers of new services or update them on company news. However, they are slowly but steadily being replaced by push notifications. 

In the past, these unobtrusive messages used to be limited to mobile devices. In 2019, an increasing number of website owners regard push notifications as a more valuable tool to stay in touch with their users. 

Which is better: the inbox drowned in hundreds of newsletters or a tiny notification icon on the toolbar? We would choose the latter. You can add the push notification feature to a website by subscribing to a service like PushWoosh. WordPress website owners can also take advantage of various dedicated plugins like PushEngage

The Site Slinger has implemented thousands of WordPress projects over the years. We are providers of all the services related to this most popular CMS in the world, including theming, customizing existing or building custom plugins from scratch.

No More Coding! Use Blocks


New versions of content management systems provide more powerful features to their users than ever before. Know nothing about CSS rules or HTML tags? It’s OK. You can still put together a sleek web page just like a professional web designer does (well, almost). 

Simply take ready-made blocks or modules and mix them together. The website module building is only expected to grow in popularity in 2019 and beyond. That’s particularly true for WordPress users, who can use Gutenberg to “make adding rich content to WordPress simple and enjoyable.” 

Smooth Website Navigation: Motion UI

Websites with visually appealing and simple navigation elements are likely to hold users’ attention for a longer span. When they know where to go and find surfing a website enjoyable, they will keep returning to it. 

Creating smooth and straightforward navigation by using CSS animations/transitions is a trend that shows no signs of stopping in 2019. Motion UI is one of the best web development libraries for that purpose, flexible and customizable.

The Site Slinger web developers are skilled in creating dynamic and modern-looking interfaces by using a range of cutting-edge tools and libraries. 

Concluding Thoughts 

There’s no doubt: the web development industry is going to keep on flourishing. Websites and web apps are going to be faster, more secure, interactive, and AI-wise. Whatever modern technologies you select for your website, the top-of-the-line developers from The Site Slinger are always at your service.

7 Tips on Making Your WordPress Site Hack-Proof Without Changing a Line of Code



According to the latest statistical data, the number of WordPress-based websites in the United States is over 9.6 million. WordPress is the most popular open-source platform in the world, boasting a share of over 50%. It powers numerous types of websites, starting from blogs and job boards and ending with business directories and Q&A websites. 

Such tremendous popularity, though, comes at a cost. Cybercriminals of all kinds try to break into WordPress-powered websites and, unfortunately, succeed far too often. The WPScan Vulnerability Database currently lists over 16,700 WordPress core, plugin, and theme vulnerabilities—enough for any hacker to feel hopeful. 

The WordPress Security Team 

That said, the WordPress Security Team is very strong. It includes 50 top professionals who constantly monitor the WordPress security shield and eliminate any weak spots in it. Watch this video to learn more about the Security Team’s working process. 

Over the years, WordPress has become more stable and secure. However, making the system’s core less vulnerable to attacks is only part of the solution. The Security Team’s duties don’t include checking the themes or plugins available at wordpress.org. Anyone who’s willing and has enough time can review those. As a result, security breaches through plugins and themes are quite frequent. 

The Most Common Threats to a WP Site from Hackers



  1. Installing malicious software. Cybercriminals implant their code into a WordPress site’s files and use it to collect confidential data secretly. 
  2. Cross-site scripting. A hacker tricks a WordPress site user into loading pages with JavaScript code. The code steals private data from the site user’s browser and sends it to the hacker over the Internet. 
  3. Injecting SQL code. Once a criminal breaks into a WP site’s database, they can inject SQL code for creating a new user. Then, they can log in at any time and use the site’s files in any way they want without the owner suspecting anything. 
  4. Including PHP files. PHP is the programming language that allows WordPress to do all the great stuff it does. A hacker can find a way to upload their PHP scripts into a WP site’s directories and use those for their criminal purposes. This is the most common method of taking control of the crucial WP file wp-config.php 
  5. Brute force attacks. These mean bombarding the login screen with millions of nickname/password combinations in order to stumble upon the right credentials. What’s sad — this savage approach often yields positive results for the hacker. 

While cybercriminals’ tricks may seem too clever for a layman to counteract, you can prevent many of them by applying 8 simple techniques we’ve described below. No knowledge of coding is required. 

Essential Tips on Protecting a WordPress Site from Intrusion

1. Avoid Using a Weak Password


Let’s start with the essential measures to avoid brute force attacks. We can’t stress enough the importance of a good, hard-to-guess password. A password that only includes 6 random digits or characters is the surest way to losing your valuable data sooner rather than later. With powerful modern technologies, any hacker will be able to crack a password like that in no time. 

A strong password means a well-mixed combination of digits, letters in lower and upper case, and special characters. View Google’s recommendations, for example. 

Make your password unique and as unrelated to your life as possible. Avoid including your apartment number, spouse’s name, child’s birthday, or any similar information. Many people prefer coining a lengthy phrase instead of an arbitrary array of characters or numbers to make a hacker’s task more difficult. 

Does coming up with a strong password seem an excessively challenging task? Then, use one of the numerous password generators like this one. Find it hard to remember passwords? Then, take advantage of this free tool to store them securely. 

Finally, a password is not something carved in stone. Depending on how sensitive your data is, consider changing your password weekly or monthly. 

2. Bring the Number of Login Attempts to a Minimum 

Another way to protect your site against brute force attacks is to allow users to make just a few login attempts in a row. By default, WordPress doesn’t restrict users in the number of times they may try to sign in. Hackers adore this feature, as they can enter a multitude of username/password pairs into the login form in the hope of breaking inside.

Leaving one login attempt is not enough. Sometimes users forget to press the Shift key when necessary or enter a hyphen instead of an underscore. So give your users a chance to try to log in three-four times. If they fail, block them for a certain period.

How can you achieve that? Install the Limit Login Attempts Reloaded plugin. Then, go to Settings, select the plugin, and change the values in the fields under the Lockout category. You can increase the lockout time if more unsuccessful attempts are made after the first time a possible hacker has been blocked.

3. Select a Hosting Provider with a Strong Security Mechanism

When it comes to hosting, any business faces a big dilemma: pay less but get fewer features and weaker security, or pay more and get more features and stronger protection. If your budget allows it, we highly recommend spending more money on hosting that offers several security layers. 

Otherwise, you’re running a risk of losing your data or letting crooks redirect your traffic to other sites. High-quality hosting companies perform daily scans for malware and monitor any attempts to gain unauthorized access to the hosted sites. 

4. Implement an SSL Certificate 

Transmitting data from a server to a browser over the Internet without an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Certificate is like leaving your personal diary in a public place for everyone to read. An SSL certificate, on the other hand, allows you to encrypt all your data, making it impossible for cybercriminals to decipher. 
There are two ways you can get an SSL certificate:

  1. Purchase it from a provider. 
  2. Use the free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate offered by your hosting company. 

The paid option is preferable if you have enough financial resources. To get a better insight into the difference between a paid and free SSL certificates, read this post

Installing an SSL certificate not only makes your WP site more secure but also improves its search engine visibility. Google considers ‘https://’ at the beginning of a URL an important factor and ranks the site higher. 

5. Make Regular Backups of Your Site 

Hackers are very inventive. Whatever measures you take to protect your WordPress site, there’s always a potential crack in the armor through which a criminal can get inside. So, it’s advisable to have a working copy of the website safely stored in a place where no one can get hold of it, like an external hard drive.  

How often do you need to make backups? It depends on the scale of your business activities. For small and medium-sized companies, a monthly backup is probably sufficient. The sensitivity of information is also important in this respect. 

There are some excellent backup plugins that make copying a site’s files easy and fast. One of them is BackWPup. It’s simple in operation and comes with a series of training videos to get you up to speed. You can plan and schedule backup jobs and push backup archives to an external storage service if you don’t want to store them on the same server. 

6. Keep Everything Up to Date 

Have a look at the long list of WordPress versions that have been released since 2003. Every new version added something to the core functionality of the CMS including security patches. 

That’s the reason why updating the WordPress core as well as its plugins and themes is so important. It helps you avoid dangerous security breaches. In the same video about the WordPress Security team, Aaron Campbell says that the Team postpones the announcements about new security improvements closer to release dates so that hackers couldn’t use that information to their advantage. 

While WordPress automatically performs minor updates, dealing with major ones is the user’s responsibility. So, keep track of the WordPress versions and update plugins and themes. To do this, go to the Plugins page and click the Update Now link next to a specific plugin if this link is available. 

7. Monitor Your Website for Malware with a Security Plugin 

Finally, installing a security plugin to monitor your website for any malicious software installation is a must. A person who’s not versed in coding may not even understand that a hacker has infected their WordPress site with bad code. A plugin, on the other hand, is capable of analyzing the files and detecting any code injected by hackers. 

In our opinion, one of the best plugins for this purpose is iThemes Security. It has been installed on more than 900,000 sites and performs a wide range of functions. It blocks bad users, monitors the site and reports suspicious changes to the file system and database, hides common security vulnerabilities (e.g., changes the URLs for WordPress dashboard areas, including login and admin), regularly updates the WP database,  and does other useful things. 


The security of a WordPress website is not something to be taken lightly. Cybercriminals are always searching for new loopholes and trying to exploit them. The techniques we’ve listed above are essential for the health and safety of your site.

To make your WP site even more secure, tweaking its code is necessary. That job should be left to professionals. The Site Slinger’s highly skilled and experienced WP developers can help you with many WP-related tasks such as PSD to WordPress conversion. Tell us what you need and we’ll get it done.

Do Home Icons Matter on a Site?

Do home icons matter on a site

Just how important is the home icon on your site? Does it even matter anymore, or is the symbol somewhat outdated and defunct? One of the most important aspects of an icon is the meaning behind that icon. Will people readily recognize what the icon means when they see it? Even the most beautifully designed home icon is of little use if the user doesn’t know what it does at a glance.

Although the meaning of various icons can be obscure, there are a few universal icons, such as the ones for home, print and search. The purpose of the home icon is to mark a clear path back to the home page of a website. This icon is something the user can click on from anywhere to start fresh from page one.

The fact that the home icon is such a universal symbol makes it vitally important to include in your website. If you want your site navigation to be simple and easy to understand, then you need to figure out how and if you should include a home icon on your website.

There are actually a number of different options you can use to signify a home button on the website. Which one you choose will depend upon the overall style of your website, how modern it is and even if it is a mobile friendly design.

Home Icon Style # 1: Home-Shaped Icon

An outline of a house has been a symbol for “Home” for many years. It can come in many different colors, patterns and outline styles.

It would be quite rare for someone not to know what this icon means, so the key when utilizing this type of home icon is to make sure it integrates with the overall design of your site. You can accomplish this by changing the color, size or outline style. For example, a site focused on products for kids might use an outline that looks like it was drawn with a crayon. On the other hand, a luxury spa might use a much more streamlined outline with straight lines.

Google+ uses a home-shaped icon to indicate the home button for Google Plus.


Home Icon Style # 2: Hamburger Icon

The hamburger icon can indicate navigation. When clicked on, a bigger menu drops down. Typically, the hamburger icon will be located in the upper right of the page, and the home link will be the top link within that navigation.

The hamburger menu is quite simply three lines that essentially represent a bottom bun, hamburger patty and top bun. With the increase in the number of Internet users accessing websites via their mobile devices, this has become an easily recognizable icon that doesn’t take a lot of space but indicates you can access navigation (including home, of course).

Some menu icons use text as well as the icon to indicate the navigation. For example, it might have the hamburger icon and state “Menu.” This makes it impeccably clear to the site visitor what the icon is used for.

However, anyone who has used a mobile device will likely recognize the hamburger menu easily and realize that by clicking on it, they can navigate home or elsewhere on the site. One in every 10 people in the United States who browse the Internet use only a mobile device, so this icon is likely to become more and more popular.

One good example of a hamburger icon done well is Animal Planet’s. Note how the icon is in the upper left and is easily recognizable. The second screenshot shows that when you click on the hamburger icon, you get a drop down menu, and the home link is the first one listed. The overall look matches the style and color of the entire website, too.


Home Icon Style # 3: Text Only Icon

Sometimes the best icon is no icon at all. Text within the navigation that simply states “Home” can get the message across. Another advantage of using text to indicate where the home link is located is that the page will load much faster than if the user has to wait for images to buffer.

One example of this use of style in a design can be seen at CJ Pony Parts. Note how the “Home” text is in the upper left of the page. In addition, it’s in red, so it’s easily spotted. This is a simple, but effective, design.


Home Icon Style # 4: Home-Shaped Icon with Text

You can overcome the uncertainty of what an icon is for by labeling it. You’ll notice this technique on a lot of websites. It simply makes it extremely clear what that icon is for. So, for example, you might add the outline of a house and place the words “Home” just under the icon.

In fact, it makes the website much more usable to add text to icons. While many websites add text under or next to a home-shaped icon, you could also go a bit further and put the text on the icon itself.

One example of this type of design can be found on the website Vivi LeDish. Note how the home icon also has the text “Home” on the roof of the icon.


Home Icon Style # 5: Unique Home Icons

Another idea is to use an icon that ties directly into your branding and overall design. This might not necessarily be in the shape of a house or have text. However, if you place the icon in the right location (upper right or left), your site visitors should be able to at least guess that this is your home button.

Some sites also use their logo as a sort of home button. One example of this would be Amazon.com. They use their Amazon logo as an anchor. Click on the logo, and you are taken to the home page.

An interesting example of a unique home button can be found on Carbonmade. The site uses a little chess piece emblem to serve as the home page icon. In this instance, they place the text “Home” directly under the icon. This makes it abundantly clear to the reader where to click to go to the home page.


One rule of thumb is that users should be able to figure out in five seconds or less what an icon means. Do some A/B split testing, and if your site visitors are struggling to interpret icons, you may need to tweak them to better suit your target demographic’s needs.

AUTHOR’S BIO: Lexie Lu, the author of this article, is a designer and writer. She constantly researches trends in the web and graphic design industry. Lexie writes weekly on Design Roast and can be followed on Twitter @lexieludesigner.