HTML5: The Language of the New Web

No longer a novelty, HTML5 has already changed the way web developers code and the way users interact with websites. Contributing to the decline of Flash, HTML5 is an undeniable force utilized by countless modern websites.

HTML5 Logo

HTML5 Logo

The New Standard.

HTML5 is setting the bar for the ever changing web landscape. In addition to being integral to the single-site, multi-device experience, HTML5 serves as a standard for video, Flash-like interactivity, and is even creeping into the ad space. With HTML working hand in hand with CSS3 and JavaScript, HTML5 brings us to the next level of web development.

HTML5 is paving the path of the future for the Web:

It will be the go-to language for cross-platform development. According to Web Developer Juice, “Almost every platform – mobile or web – is now making the shift to HTML5 (this includes Blackberry OS, Palm WebOS, and Windows 8).” And Strategy Analytics predicted that HTML5 phones are a hyper-growth market, and global sales will increase 365% by 2016, from 2011. Developing for the desktop now includes developing for mobile. Which means faster and more cost-effective reach.

Ads will continue to shift from Flash. Apple adamantly denounced Flash, so, unsurprisingly, their iOS devices lack compatibility with those traditional Flash ads you otherwise see blinking at you across the web. With so much of mobile web traffic coming from iPhone and iPad users, advertisers can’t ignore that fact. Even on desktops, HTML5 aims for faster loading and better integration. Google Mobile Ads now offers a feature to easily convert Flash ads to HTML5 in Adwords and offers HTML5 banners. Pointroll goes as far as calling HTML5 “the future ‘Secret Sauce’ in online advertising.” HTML5 proves, once again, it is the solution for more effective and efficient reach.

It’s a robust and clean coding standard aimed at streamlining coding, publishing and browsing. HTML5 has been designed to do away with the need for add-on browser plugins. Many features are intended to improve site discovery and overall SEO, translating into more traffic. HTML5 includes the use of Canvas, which provides the potential for more graphic interactivity and an alternative to loading images the ‘old’ way – even on the fly! With better support for feedback forms, drag-and-drop tools, chat, and other popular interactive elements HTML5 aims to make developing and using the new Web much easier.
You can reference a useful infographic about HTML5 features and the benefits for future web development here.

To make the most of the new Web, the HTML5 experts at The Site Slinger code with the future in mind, utilizing the latest tools to provide robust user experiences, beautiful and clean websites. We’re happy to turn your vision into a pixel-perfect site via our best-in-the-world PSD to HTML coding, so contact us or submit your design and let’s get it done!

*Image courtesy of W3C, used under Creative Commons licensing.

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