10 Reasons NOT to code your own HTML

At The Site Slinger, we see LOTS of different kinds of web designs from our customers, and we hear lots of different reasons why they choose us to turn their designs into code. I wanted to share 10 of these reasons with you to show you the ways The Site Slinger helps you bring your designs to life, whether you are building a simple landing page, a complex web application, a WordPress theme, or even a great looking HTML email.

10 great reasons not to code your own HTML for your next project.

10. You can’t code.
Design to code services are for people just like you, no technical experience required. Don’t worry, developers don’t bite.

9. You are on a deadline (or multiple deadlines)
Rapidly approaching deadlines are not good for your stress level. If you don’t know how you will get the job done in time we have RUSH PSD to HTML options available.

8. You need jQuery or JavaScript animations
Most design to code services charge extra for JavaScript animations, we include it in the per page price.

7. Your client doesn’t want to pay for you to code by the hour
Using a design to code service for your website will be a fraction of what it would cost to code by the hour. We’ll even give you a PDF estimate to take to your client!

6. You don’t know any reliable web developers
Finding any good developer is hard, finding reliable outsourced development is even harder. You need someone you can count on who knows how to make you happy.

5. You have a LOT of pages to develop
If you build large, complex applications with extensive views, design to code services save you time so you aren’t wasting developer time coding HTML.

4. Your development team is backlogged
Your team is great, but they are busy building out your application. Don’t slow them down!

3. You are building a WordPress theme
WordPress sites are overtaking the web — everybody wants one and now you don’t have to be an expert to give it to them.

2. You build lots of web applications
We work with Bootstrap, 1140gridCSS, 960gsZurb and many other responsive web application frameworks. Get your prototype up in 5 days or less.

1. You are the smartest person on the planet and realize The Site Slinger should code your designs, not you.
We are happy to help!

Want to Learn More? See Examples!

The Easiest way to order PSD to HTML, from The Site Slinger

The Site Slinger turns designs into code, and sets itself apart from other PSD to HTML companies with its quality, reliability, & speed. We are the only company to offer easy online ordering and a fully transparent development process.

We’ve implemented a new online ordering system!

Check out this walk-through and see how easy and fast it is to get your project from design to code with PSD to HTML from The Site Slinger.


Enter your email address and password, or select CREATE ACCOUNT at the top to register as a new customer.

The easiest PSD to HTML



We make it a breeze! In the SUBMIT A NEW ORDER section upload your PSD file(s) via drag-and-drop, or click ‘Pick File’ to browse and select your file. We’ll see the files right away, and you can always add more later.

The easiest PSD to HTML



While your file is uploading, let us know your Project Name, and select your Project Type & Project Deadline from the drop down options. Tell us a little bit about your project, or ask any questions you might have – we’ll see your order immediately and are ready to help.

The easiest PSD to HTML



To view an existing order, select YOUR ORDERS from the left menu. Your current orders, and completed orders, will be listed. Select the VIEW PROJECT button to see an order’s details. A consolidated list of your order history makes for easy reference – each and every time.

The easiest PSD to HTML



We want you to feel happy, not sad, during development so we built a fully transparent ordering process. In the project details screen you can view the Project Status, Project Price, Confirmed Delivery date and even view an Invoice in the left sidebar. You can also leave your comments about the project and check for our replies. You will receive an email notification whenever we comment or have an update for you. That’s how we keep you updated at each step in the development process!

The easiest PSD to HTML



On the ORDER FILES tab within the same screen you can review the file(s) you’ve already uploaded, and add more files, if you need to. As always, we’ll promptly review your order & files, and ensure everything’s in place for a quote. That’s just the first step in getting the project turned around as quickly as possible – we make sure all PSD to HTML projects are completed in 7 business days or less.

The easiest PSD to HTML



Click the BACK TO YOUR ACCOUNT button in the upper right to go back to the main account page. From here, you can also Edit Your Profile, or get your Referral Program details. Spread the word about The Site Slinger and receive a credit on future orders!

The easiest PSD to HTML


What we do.


Built for designers and headquartered in Austin, Texas, The Site Slinger makes building custom websites easy.  Send us your PSD files and we return HTML code in 7 business days or less. Take our HTML and use it to create custom websites, WordPress themes, web apps, enterprise software or whatever else you can think of. This is the fastest way to get building for all your web projects.

PSD to WordPress

Our PSD to WordPress product is the best starting point for custom WordPress development. We hand code your PSD files into static HTML views and then compile them into a basic WordPress theme for custom development. We deliver the WordPress theme files and SQL file for your developer to customize.

If your project requires additional development and your team is without a developer we can recommend great developers.

We want to give web design and development teams an upper hand with easy PSD to HTML and WordPress. Our easy online ordering, personal 24/7 service, and expert developers take the pain out of outsourced development.

Test us out! Submit a design for a free quote today and we’ll be happy to give you a $100 discount off your first order. If you have any questions, just let us know!

What Is HTML? Back to Basics

Since I have a background in print, I’m always eager to help designers from other areas get a start in web design and basic development. I know from experience that the transition is an extremely intimidating one that many people simply don’t think they can manage.


Since I have a background in print, I’m always eager to help designers from other areas get a start in web design and basic development. I know from experience that the transition is an extremely intimidating one that many people simply don’t think they can manage.

Fortunately, I can also attest to the fact that it’s probably not as difficult as you might imagine. In the world of hardcore coding, HTML and CSS rank pretty low on the barrier to entry scale.

Today we’re going to start a series that examines the basic building blocks of web development. HTML, CSS, JavaScript; if you’re a complete and utter beginner who might not even have a basic grasp of what these technologies are much less how to wield them, then this series is for you.


What Is HTML?

There are a million ways that I could start this discussion. We could go into the drivel of how HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language or how it was invented in 1980 by physicist Tim Berners-Lee as a system for sharing documents, but you can get all that from Wikipedia. If you’re interested in the history of the World Wide Web, I highly recommend investigating the topic further, but that doesn’t help us much in our discussion of what HTML is today and how you’ll need to use it.

What you really need to understand is the conceptual purpose of HTML. What is it for? Why do you need it? How does it compare and relate to other technologies like CSS and JavaScript?

HTML: The Most Important Piece


Along these lines, HTML can be thought of as the fundamental building block of the web as you know it. There’s an underlying architecture of complicated technology that makes up “The Internet” but the good ol’ WWW is largely dependent on HTML.

In fact, technically, HTML is all you need to create a web page. A few extremely simple lines of HTML uploaded to a web server would constitute a web page, which is definitely not something that can be said for CSS and typically not something that can be said of JavaScript. The point here is that, while all of these technologies are closely related, HTML is the pivotal piece of the puzzle.

Now, before you get too excited, that doesn’t mean that you can get away with only learning HTML. You’d be hard pressed to find a modern web page that doesn’t utilize, at minimum, a combination of HTML and CSS.

Markup Languages

To truly understand what HTML is, you’ll need to understand what markup languages are and why they exist (I’m sneaking in that drivel after all).

Basically, the web is written in plain text. Now, by “plain text” I don’t just mean a lack of images, I mean a lack of rich formatting of any kind. Unlike in Microsoft Word where you can easily create bold italic text at any point size, writing code is more like using WriteRoom or IA Writer; all you get is plain old letters and symbols.

The Typewriter Metaphor


Imagine composing an essay on an antique typewriter, then handing that essay to someone so that they could enter it into a computer. Your typewriter doesn’t have any formatting features, but when your associate enters your essay into the modern word processor, you want it to have headers, bold text, italic text, bulleted lists and more. How would you tell that person where to implement these features?

The answer is of course that you would “mark up” your document and insert extra indicators of how you want the text to be formatted. These wouldn’t be present on the end result but are merely meant to tell the interpreter how to make everything look the way you intend. This is exactly how a markup language works. With HTML, this markup is accomplished through tags.

Tag, You’re It

As I write this article, I’m doing so in plain text HTML. This means when I want to bold something, I can’t simply hit a button. Instead, I insert a bold tag:

The last word will be in <b>bold</b>.

See how I used “<b>” to indicate where the bolded text would begin? Also notice how I used “</b>” to indicate where the bolded text would end. To italicize something, I use the same technique.

<i>This is italicized.</i> This isn't. 

The bracketed portions are known as tags, and each set of tags has a starting and stopping point. With these, you tell the interpreter, in our case a web browser like Firefox, how you want the content to be formatted. When we place content between an opening and close tag, we typically say that we have “wrapped” it in a tag.

Example Tags

Now that you know what tags are, here are some more very basic examples of some HTML tags:

  • <p>paragraph</p>
  • <h1>header</h1> (h2, h3, h4, etc. create incrementally smaller headers)
  • <small>small text</small>

Links, Tags and Attributes


This is where the “Hypertext” in “Hypertext Markup Language” part comes in. One of the major parts about writing HTML, and indeed about using the web in general, is linking. That’s how it all works right? If there is a web page loaded into your browser and you want to get to another page, what do you do? Click a link! This system is fantastic for connecting all of the various bits and pieces of information stored on the web.

To link something in HTML, we of course use a tag. This tag is going to look a bit more complex than most though. Let’s look at an example that links to the Design Shack home page.

Read <a href="http://designshack.net/">Design Shack</a> daily for awesome bits of design goodness.

Here we have not just a tag but an attribute as well. The tag (<a></a>) tells the browser that there’s a link and the attribute (href) tells the browser where the link should go. The syntax for this type of structure is as follows:

<tag attribute="VALUE">Text, images, etc.</tag>

In our previous example, anything between the “a” tags becomes a link. So the words “Design Shack” would’ve been an active text link that, upon clicking, directed the user to the href URL, which was the Design Shack homepage.

Placing an image via HTML works much the same way. We use the “src” attribute to point the browser to the location of the image and the “alt” attribute for text that will appear in place of the image if it can’t be displayed. Notice the closing tag structure is a bit different this time with all the “img” info placed within a single tag.

<img src="images/thepicture.jpg" alt="alternative text">

You Can Read HTML!

If you’ve been reading along up to this point, the following should make perfect sense.

<h1>What is HTML?</h1>
<p>You've officially learned enough that you should be able to read basic <bold>HTML</bold> fairly easily. This text is marked up with all kinds of tags, but once you know what they all mean, it becomes fairly readable doesn't it?</p>
<p>Now that you know what HTML looks like, let's move on and discuss it from a more <em>conceptual</em> point of view. What purpose does it serve in the grand scheme of web design?</p>

HTML: The Skeleton of a Web Page


We now have a good idea of how HTML is a markup language and what that means. We know that it’s basically a way to give the browser plain text and have it output richly formatted and even active content that can be clicked on to some end. The last thing we need to understand is how it fits into the overall picture of a completed web page.

As we’ve seen in the examples above, HTML mostly relates to directly inputting content onto a page. The actual underlying structure of any web page is the kind of tagged statements we just learned about. Most text and links you see on any given page, as well as many of the images, are implemented directly with HTML.

HTML is Meant to Be Boring

As I said above, HTML is technically all you need for a web page. However, this HTML content by itself is quite plain. Notice that nowhere in the examples above have we told the page what background color we want to use, what size the text should be, which fonts to apply where, how wide certain portions should be and how they should line up, etc.

We’ve simply thrown in the content without any real thought towards what it will look like. Looking at any page on the web you can see that no one stops here. Each site has its own look and feel, its own color scheme, typography, layout, etc.

For example, imagine that your local news site picks up a story from the Associate Press. They could print the story verbatim and therefore have the same basic HTML structure for that content, yet it would likely look quite different from the version on the AP site. Why?

CSS is The Skin, Hair and Clothing

The answer is that modern HTML is not generally used to govern aesthetic style and layout. For this, we’ve adopted something called Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS.

The typical web developer workflow might be to insert all the various pure content first into an HTML document, then jump over to CSS and begin crafting that content to appear in a more visually pleasing and usable way. A year later the developer could come back and toss in a brand new CSS file that makes the website look completely different, all without touching the HTML.

JavaScript jumps into this game by taking a more active role in how the page behaves. Animations, form submissions, dynamic content, these are the domain of JavaScript. Lately CSS has been encroaching on this territory, but that’s a topic for another day.

What Is HTML5?


Before we wrap this up, you’re probably wondering what the heck all this HTML5 talk is about. HTML5 is exactly what it sounds like: the fifth major iteration of HTML.

Web technologies aren’t set in stone, they’re constantly evolving and expanding. Just like print designers generally have to keep up with the newest bells and whistles in the latest version of Photoshop, so web designers have to keep an eye out for changes in web standards.

HTML5 brings lots of new features to the table while cutting out some unnecessary fat from its previous installment. For instance, HTML5 developers have some new tags to work with that make the basic structure of a web page more logical.

For more on HTML5, check out our complete series on the topic:

Conclusion: More to Come!

This article was meant to give you a basic conceptual overview of HTML. If you started reading without a clue as to what HTML is and how it’s used, hopefully you now have a basic grasp of these concepts.

As we look to the future I’ll be expanding this topic and walking through the basic anatomy of an HTML document and then moving on to another important question: What is CSS?

Be sure to check back soon for more on these topics!

Image sources: xlibber, Ryan Amos, Dave Parker

30 Gorgeous and Versatile CSS Menus

Sometimes the navigation menu can be one of trickiest parts of the design process. This single area can set the tone for the usability of the entire site. When you turn your PSDs into HTML, make sure your navigation is legit!

Sometimes the navigation menu can be one of trickiest parts of the design process. This single area can set the tone for the usability of the entire site.

Today we’ll look at 30 inspiring examples of good menu design. Though many are pure CSS, others add in some images and/or JavaScript to increase the aesthetic and functionality.

Delving Deeper

It’s always more helpful to get a feel for the process of the development than to merely see an image, so in this section we’ll briefly discuss the aesthetic of each menu and how the developer accomplished the effect. This way you can gain inspiration into how to use new methods to create your own unique menus.

Silk Tide

This is one of the most minimal menus on the list. It’s basically just plain text with an extended blue box rollover but it’s really easy to implement and results in a nice effect.


Glenn Sorrentino

This example uses CSS borders on the top and bottom of the menu that increase in thickness when you hover over them.



If you have a textured background, consider using transparency in your menu to increase the aesthetic. This could easily be done with RGBa in CSS3.


Elbow Park

Another example of transparency in the navigation area. This one uses a similar effect to the first example with the selection box extending up to the top of the page. This increases visibility and makes for a more seamless design.



As you rollover these buttons the background changes to a brighter red. This combined with the glossy look (accomplished with a transparent PNG) creates the illusion of the area lighting up.


Toffee Nut Design

This beautiful example uses CSS sprites for the navigation. The entire menu is one PNG showing each of the tabs in three states: off, on, and on+selected.



Here we see each section of the navigation as a hybrid of image and text. The icon, gradient and smaller background make each section’s image while the larger text is styled HTML with a underline hover effect.


David Jonsson

Another simple hover effect that bleeds to the top. This one had hidden icons that only display when you mouse over. A nice effect!



I really like the colors and the crooked text on this menu. The glowing rollovers are perfect.


Bonsai Studios

This one is an extremely simple vertical menu with transparency and a darkening hover. It gets the job done, looks great and can be built in minutes.


Great Expectations Church

Another vertical navigation menu. This one implements some basic but attractive icons and a background GIF with a gradient for the hover.


Ryan Couser

This one uses some simple sprites to accomplish the hover. Each icon is an image with both the on and off states.


Kk Media

Here we see a vertical menu with more detailed icons. Each link is an HTML list item with a simple background image applied in CSS.


Bite Club

I really loved this navigation bar. The brightness really grabs your attention and the reversal of the colors makes a perfect rollover. This also uses a sprite for each menu item, each with three states.


Capital City Equipment Company

I though the house shaped navigation selection was clever on this one. The text in each link is part of the image, if you replicate something like this it would be simple just to use live text over the background image instead.


Strawberry Leisure

This dropdown menu uses a small repeating transparent PNG to pull of the reduced opacity effect. Again, we can look forward to this being much easier in the near future with RGBa when more browsers get on board.


Artificial Studio

Yep you guessed it, more image sprites (sensing a trend here?). The big buttons and excellent gradients make for a beautiful navigation area.



This was by far one of the most original concepts I came across in my search. To pull of the unique 3D effect, the designer has used a whopping four states for each button that change depending on whether the button is selected, hovered over, or has an adjacent selection.


More CSS Menu Goodness

Now that we’ve discussed quite a few great examples, here are a bunch more to check out. Use your browser’s inspect feature to check out the code and images behind any that you like!

Manndible Cafe


Code Greene




Mac Rabbit


Clark Builders


Mr. B and Friends




The Swish Life


Mystery Tin








NZ Festival


Download Prebuilt Menus!

Need a good starting point for your own CSS menus? Check out these great free resources.

Now Show Us Yours

Do you have a CSS menu that you’re particularly proud of? Use the comments below and leave a link so we can see. Also let us know which of the examples above you liked best.