7 Pro-Tips for Web Design

Here at The Site Slinger we live and breathe web development – we’ve been experts in turning design to code since 2009! All too often, website design files get submitted to us missing some of the fundamental components for effective and efficient web development. Whether you are a designer working on a website for a client, or a client who isn’t sure what they need to get from their designer, following these pro-tips will get your design ready to be turned into code.

Here at The Site Slinger we live and breathe web development – we’ve been experts in turning design to code since 2009!

All too often, website design files get submitted to us missing some of the fundamental components for effective and efficient web development.

Whether you are a designer working on a website for a client, or a client who isn’t sure what they need to get from their designer, following these pro-tips will get your design ready to be turned into code by our team at The Site Slinger.

7 Pro-Tips for Web Design

design in Photoshop, it is the best for web design (sorry, Illustrator, Fireworks and InDesign fans!)

DO design all of the pages you want to see as HTML or on a WordPress site — We match your designs exactly!

DO design all animation states, javascript validation, button states (click, hover, off), modals and anything else you can think of. If you don’t see it in the design, we can’t see it to code it!

DO label and organize your Photoshop design “PSD” files — 1 page per PSD, organized into labeled folders and layers.

DO say “I’m not sure, I will have to check” to a client if you are unsure on complex functionality or implementation — Its okay to say “I don’t know” – that’s why we are here!

 talk with your developer and spec out your project before signing off on designs.

DO ask questions and get to know your friendly Austin, Texas web developer. We are always happy to answer questions about turning designs into code!

Have a question about one of these pro-tips or want to know more? Chat with a Site Slinger from 8am-6pm CST here on our website, or contact us.

*Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, used under the Creative Commons license.

10 Reasons NOT to code your own HTML

At The Site Slinger, we see LOTS of different kinds of web designs from our customers, and we hear lots of different reasons why they choose us to turn their designs into code. I wanted to share 10 of these reasons with you to show you the ways The Site Slinger helps you bring your designs to life, whether you are building a simple landing page, a complex web application, a WordPress theme, or even a great looking HTML email.

10 great reasons not to code your own HTML for your next project.

10. You can’t code.
Design to code services are for people just like you, no technical experience required. Don’t worry, developers don’t bite.

9. You are on a deadline (or multiple deadlines)
Rapidly approaching deadlines are not good for your stress level. If you don’t know how you will get the job done in time we have RUSH PSD to HTML options available.

8. You need jQuery or JavaScript animations
Most design to code services charge extra for JavaScript animations, we include it in the per page price.

7. Your client doesn’t want to pay for you to code by the hour
Using a design to code service for your website will be a fraction of what it would cost to code by the hour. We’ll even give you a PDF estimate to take to your client!

6. You don’t know any reliable web developers
Finding any good developer is hard, finding reliable outsourced development is even harder. You need someone you can count on who knows how to make you happy.

5. You have a LOT of pages to develop
If you build large, complex applications with extensive views, design to code services save you time so you aren’t wasting developer time coding HTML.

4. Your development team is backlogged
Your team is great, but they are busy building out your application. Don’t slow them down!

3. You are building a WordPress theme
WordPress sites are overtaking the web — everybody wants one and now you don’t have to be an expert to give it to them.

2. You build lots of web applications
We work with Bootstrap, 1140gridCSS, 960gsZurb and many other responsive web application frameworks. Get your prototype up in 5 days or less.

1. You are the smartest person on the planet and realize The Site Slinger should code your designs, not you.
We are happy to help!

Want to Learn More? See Examples!

The Easiest way to order PSD to HTML, from The Site Slinger

The Site Slinger turns designs into code, and sets itself apart from other PSD to HTML companies with its quality, reliability, & speed. We are the only company to offer easy online ordering and a fully transparent development process.

We’ve implemented a new online ordering system!

Check out this walk-through and see how easy and fast it is to get your project from design to code with PSD to HTML from The Site Slinger.


Enter your email address and password, or select CREATE ACCOUNT at the top to register as a new customer.

The easiest PSD to HTML



We make it a breeze! In the SUBMIT A NEW ORDER section upload your PSD file(s) via drag-and-drop, or click ‘Pick File’ to browse and select your file. We’ll see the files right away, and you can always add more later.

The easiest PSD to HTML



While your file is uploading, let us know your Project Name, and select your Project Type & Project Deadline from the drop down options. Tell us a little bit about your project, or ask any questions you might have – we’ll see your order immediately and are ready to help.

The easiest PSD to HTML



To view an existing order, select YOUR ORDERS from the left menu. Your current orders, and completed orders, will be listed. Select the VIEW PROJECT button to see an order’s details. A consolidated list of your order history makes for easy reference – each and every time.

The easiest PSD to HTML



We want you to feel happy, not sad, during development so we built a fully transparent ordering process. In the project details screen you can view the Project Status, Project Price, Confirmed Delivery date and even view an Invoice in the left sidebar. You can also leave your comments about the project and check for our replies. You will receive an email notification whenever we comment or have an update for you. That’s how we keep you updated at each step in the development process!

The easiest PSD to HTML



On the ORDER FILES tab within the same screen you can review the file(s) you’ve already uploaded, and add more files, if you need to. As always, we’ll promptly review your order & files, and ensure everything’s in place for a quote. That’s just the first step in getting the project turned around as quickly as possible – we make sure all PSD to HTML projects are completed in 7 business days or less.

The easiest PSD to HTML



Click the BACK TO YOUR ACCOUNT button in the upper right to go back to the main account page. From here, you can also Edit Your Profile, or get your Referral Program details. Spread the word about The Site Slinger and receive a credit on future orders!

The easiest PSD to HTML


What we do.


Built for designers and headquartered in Austin, Texas, The Site Slinger makes building custom websites easy.  Send us your PSD files and we return HTML code in 7 business days or less. Take our HTML and use it to create custom websites, WordPress themes, web apps, enterprise software or whatever else you can think of. This is the fastest way to get building for all your web projects.

PSD to WordPress

Our PSD to WordPress product is the best starting point for custom WordPress development. We hand code your PSD files into static HTML views and then compile them into a basic WordPress theme for custom development. We deliver the WordPress theme files and SQL file for your developer to customize.

If your project requires additional development and your team is without a developer we can recommend great developers.

We want to give web design and development teams an upper hand with easy PSD to HTML and WordPress. Our easy online ordering, personal 24/7 service, and expert developers take the pain out of outsourced development.

Test us out! Submit a design for a free quote today and we’ll be happy to give you a $100 discount off your first order. If you have any questions, just let us know!

Design Rules for PSD to HTML

Want to make your development team love you? Learn how to design your PSD (Photoshop design files) into clearly labeled, appropriately layered files for PSD to HTML!

If you’re coding PSD to HTML/CSS, you know that there’s often a disconnect between the person creating the designs and the development team coding them. With well organized and labeled files you can avoid many of the worst web development pitfalls.

By following these simple steps you can hand your PSD designs off to a good PSD to HTML team and they will come in back pixel-perfect, just like you imagined. This makes PSD to HTML easy for both you and the development team.

Some basic rules to follow:

1. One PSD file per page template or folders for each page in a single PSD file. What is a PSD?

2. Label all folders with the section of content on the page they refer to (Top navigation, Content, Footer, etc) Example

3. Separate folders for “on” and “off” states.  Make sure to separate your on/off states into different folders so the development team can easily identify the different states in the design.

4. Provide a text file or .pdf that clearly outlines all functionality for the individual pages (this includes things like animations, slide transitions, etc.)

5. Be sure to design all animation states, javascript validation, button states (click, hover, off), modals and anything else you can think of. If you don’t see it in the design, we can’t see it to code it!

 PSD to HTML Example

This is an example of a PSD single page with well organized folders for the content of the page. The organization of this is is clear and easy to follow.There are subfolders for each portion, clearly labeled.

PSD File Structure

Within the folder structure each page has its own subfolders that are all appropriately named. The elements for each group are within the subfolder and vector images are imported to the file when necessary (logos or other images). Make sure to show different on / off states. Rather than show multiple flat files for each state, they should be organized and named within the PSD in a way that the development team can understand.

Below is a good example of how files should be organized when you hand them off to your development team. You will see that there is 1 PSD per page with all of the necessary states for web development included in each PSD file.

Photoshop (PSD) File Structure



If you hand us well organize and labeled PSD files, our team will code the HTML/CSS and hand you back pixel perfect, markup!

Final Markup (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)



If you have questions about the process we would love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

The Site Slinger Makes Design to Code Easy.

The Site Slinger makes design to code easy. Headquartered in Austin, our quality, reliability, and speed makes us different than other PSD to HTML companies. We are the only company to offer easy online ordering and a fully transparent development process.

The Easiest Way to Order PSD to HTML

We’ve just recreated The Site Slinger from the ground up focused on offering you the easiest PSD to HTML option, and we want to know what you think! Create an account, upload designs and we will get you a quote in 24 hours or less. Our easy to use online ordering system makes it simple to check the status of your current projects, submit new projects, see order history, and connect with the developers.

We love to code and we know how bad outsourced development can be. Try us for your next PSD to HTML project and get $100 off your first order. Please reach out if you have questions or comments, we would love to hear your feedback!

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest updates.

30 Free Video Tutorials for Learning Web Design

Getting started in web design can be quite difficult. For readers, there are tons of great free tutorials online. However, some people find visual instruction to be more effective for their learning style.

Getting started in web design can be quite difficult. For readers, there are tons of great free tutorials online. However, some people find visual instruction to be more effective for their learning style.

Instructional videos are an incredibly rich learning tool and could be just what you need to finally learn web development properly. We’ve compiled a list of over 30 excellent screencasts for beginners across a number of web technologies and disciplines.


NetTuts is one of the best providers out there for free content related to learning web design. They have a wealth of articles and video tutorials for learners at all levels. Here are a few for beginners in HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Design and Converting it to HTML and CSS

“This screencast will serve as the final entry in a multi-part series across the TUTS sites which demonstrates how to build a beautiful home page for a fictional business. We learned how to create the wireframe on Vectortuts+; we added color, textures, and effects on Psdtuts+; now, we’ll take our completed PSD and convert it into a nicely coded HTML and CSS website.”


How to Make All Browsers Render HTML5 Mark-up Correctly: Screencast

“HTML 5 provides some great new features for web designers who want to code readable, semantically-meaningful layouts. However, support for HTML 5 is still evolving, and Internet Explorer is the last to add support. In this tutorial, we’ll create a common layout using some of HTML 5’s new semantic elements, then use JavaScript and CSS to make our design backwards-compatible with Internet Explorer. Yes, even IE 6.”


How to Build a Lava-Lamp Style Navigation Menu

“One of our readers requested a tutorial on how to build a lava-lamp style menu. Luckily, it’s quite a simple task, especially when using a JavaScript library. We’ll build one from scratch today.”


JavaScript from Null: Video Series

“This screencast series focuses exclusively on JavaScript, and will take you from your first “Hello, World” alert up to more advanced topics.”


How to Convert a PSD to XHTML

“I continue to be amazed by how well Collis’s “Build a Sleek Portfolio Site From Scratch” tutorial continues to perform. It’s been months, yet it still posts strong numbers every week. Considering that fact, I decided to create a screencast that shows you exactly how to convert a PSD into perfect XHTML/CSS.”


Slice and Dice that PSD

“In today’s video tutorial, we’ll be slicing up a PSD, dicing it for the web, and serving it on a warm hot plate. Our design sports a neat “Web 2.0″ feel and comes courtesy of Joefrey from ThemeForest.net. Be sure to visit his profile if you have the chance.”


Doctype TV

The guys at Doctype put out frequent screencasts on subjects ranging all over the web design spectrum. Below you’ll find videos to get you started on Ajax, grid-based design, CSS3 columns and building your first jQuery plugin.

Grid Based Design and AJAX 101

“Nick gives an overview of grid based design and Jim breaks down the basics of AJAX.”


CSS3 Columns and jQuery Plugins

“Nick deconstructs CSS multi-column layouts and Jim shows you step-by-step how to create your very own jQuery plugin.”



TutVid is a web design tutorial site that offers free instructional videos. You can also buy a given video to receive a higher resolution downloadable version along with any associated project files. Below we’ll look at a few of the available Dreamweaver tutorials.

Dreamweaver CS4: Styling Tags with CSS

“Learn all about styling tags and how to write CSS code in Dreamweaver. By the end of this tutorial you will have a good understanding of how to write CSS, how CSS works, and how you can write your CSS code in Dreamweaver.”


14 Steps: How to Use Divs

“We will take a look at a whole bunch of the things you want to be sure to know when starting to use Divs. Learn all about placing and using Divs as well as styling them with CSS in Dreamweaver!”


Create a Basic XML Document

“In this video we will quickly run over XML, what it is, and what it is used for. We will then sit down and write out our very first XML document just a simple list of six people. We will use Dreamweaver, but really any text editor is fine. We will cover creating writing the actual language, adding attributes, as well as how we create our own tags and just some basics to get you going writing your own XML document.”


Create a Full CSS Website

“In this video we will start with a folder of images and in about 30 minutes construct a very simple 2 column layout using CSS to style our page! We will learn all about using divs, creating CSS rules, targeting divs, creating a background, and so much more! Start learning to harness the raw power of Cascading Style Sheets to create, layout, and style your web pages today!”



Themeforest is an Envato marketplace that sells website templates of various types (HTML, WordPress, Joomla, etc.). The site also has a blog that posts some really helpful content from time to time. Check out the screencasts on PHP and jQuery below.

Diving into PHP Video Series (11 Parts)

“Today marks the beginning of a brand new series that will show you EXACTLY how to get started with PHP. Just as with the “jQuery for Absolute Beginners” series, we’ll start from scratch and slowly work our way up to some more advanced topics. ”


jQuery for Absolute Beginners

“Starting today, I’m launching a daily video series that will teach you PRECISELY how to use the jQuery library in your own projects. We’ll start out by downloading the framework, creating our first function, examining syntax, and more. Every day, I’ll post a five-ten minute “training regimen” that expands on what you’ve already learned. So there’s no reason to fight it anymore! Learn this dang thing and start earning more money on ThemeForest.net with your new-found skills.”


CSS Tricks

Chris Coyier over at CSS Tricks pushes out a steady stream of incredibly educational video tutorials. His site currently has 84 free to download screencasts that cover various HTML, CSS and JavaScript techniques and tips. Below we’ll look at six that should be helpful to beginners.

Converting a Photoshop Mockup (part 1 of 3)

“In this first-ever video podcast, I start the conversion process of an Adobe Photoshop mockup of a website, into a real live CSS based website. This is pretty rough here folks, I’m sure these will get more focused with time.”


CSS Formatting

“Being organized and using good formatting in your CSS files can save you lots of time and frustration during your development process and especially during troubleshooting. The multi-line format makes it easy to browse attributes but makes your file vertically very long. The single-line format keeps your file vertically short which is nice for browsing selectors, but it’s harder to browse attributes. You can also choose how you want to group your CSS statements.”


Converting a Photoshop Mockup: Part Two, Episode One

“There has been LOTS of great feedback on the first series of Converting a Photoshop Mockup into HTML/CSS. So let’s do it again! Every website is different will require different conversion technqiues so there will be plenty to learn this time around that will be different from last time.”


Designing for WordPress: Part One

“In part one, we will be downloading and installing WordPress. Then we will install the “Starkers” theme by Elliot Jay Stocks to start with a completely fresh slate for our new design. No sense starting with the default theme, it’s more trouble than it’s worth! In part two, we will go over the theory behind designing for WordPress and how it’s much like “working modularly” and actually get started designing. In part three, we will finish up the design and start in with some more advanced functionality.”


HTML & CSS – The VERY Basics

“This video is the VERY basics of what HTML and CSS is, for the absolute beginner. HTML and CSS files are, quite literally, just text files. You don’t need any special software to create them, although a nice code editor is helpful. You can create these files on any computer and use your web browser to preview them during development. You can think of HTML as the content of your website: a bunch of text and references to images wrapped in tags. CSS is the design of your website. It targets the tags you wrote in your HTML and applies the style. Keeping these two things separate is key to quality web design.”


Building a Website: HTML/CSS Conversion

“In part 2 of this series, we begin the HTML/CSS conversion of the Photoshop mockup we created in part one. We start with a very skeletal project framework. Then we take a look at the Photoshop file layer organization. Then we start from the bottom up, creating the pieces we need from the Photoshop file and writing the HTML and CSS we need to get the job done. Much of the work isn’t actually “slicing” the Photoshop file, but looking closely at it and trying to mimic what is done there with correct markup and CSS techniques.”


Victoria Web

Victoria web is a sort of online web school currently in beta. They have a small handful of free video tutorials for web developers.

Getting Started With PHP

“Looking to begin learning and creating PHP applications? This video demonstrates tools used by industry professionals in order to get their applications up and running quickly and effectively.”


jQuery Introduction

“Introduction to the jQuery JavaScript framework. You will learn how to use CSS selectors in order to modify DOM objects, sliding them in and out of view, fading, and creating custom animations.”


Entire Web Design

“Learn to create this entire dealership website from start to finish. Covering various techniques such as layer masks, clipping masks, reflections, shadowing, and more.”



ShowMeDo is a source for instructional videos on working with open-source technology and software.

The basics of Javascript

“In this video I show the basics of Javascript. The <script> tag begins in between the tag. It could also be in between the <body> tag. That is why we call the message() function from within the onload attribute in the <body> tag (That is, when the page loads). Outputing simple text on the html page and alert boxes, defining a function and an if/else clause, gives us an immediate and general feel of what Javascript is.”


Python from zero

“This series of videos is a very basic approach to python programming for beginners. In the hopes that the audience will stay tunned until the pygame tutorials, which will show how to make simple 2D games with no prior knowledge of computer graphics.”


Other Sources

The videos below are from scattered sources around the web. It’s always good to learn from as many separate sources as possible to make sure you’re getting a thorough education.

Creating a WordPress Template – Part 1 of 3

“An in-depth three part walk through for creating your first WordPress theme.”


Modify WordPress Theme – Video Tutorial

“This is the 3rd video of Advanced WordPress Video Tutorials. This video tutorial is showing how to work with some WordPress theme codes, that is how to add autoresponder code to the blog sidebar, how to put banner in the single post and similar things.”


How to make a wordpress plugin

“A short video tutorial on how to make a wordpress plugin.”


Creating a Website: From Start to Finish

A three part series that takes you from designing a website in Photoshop all the way through coding in HTML and CSS.


jQuery Online Movie Tutorial by John Resig

“John Resig, creator of jQuery javascript library, has posted an online video about how to make an accordion style menu using jQuery. Pretty basic stuff… but a good intro to jQuery if you’re new to this.”



With all the free resources above, I hope you’re running out of excuses for not being able to code sites by hand. It’s time to jump in a get your feet wet. Merely following along with the videos above will teach you loads and will get you well on your way to becoming a full-fledged web developer.

Know of any more free video tutorials? Leave a link in the comments below.