7 Pro-Tips for Web Design

Here at The Site Slinger we live and breathe web development – we’ve been experts in turning design to code since 2009! All too often, website design files get submitted to us missing some of the fundamental components for effective and efficient web development. Whether you are a designer working on a website for a client, or a client who isn’t sure what they need to get from their designer, following these pro-tips will get your design ready to be turned into code.

Here at The Site Slinger we live and breathe web development – we’ve been experts in turning design to code since 2009!

All too often, website design files get submitted to us missing some of the fundamental components for effective and efficient web development.

Whether you are a designer working on a website for a client, or a client who isn’t sure what they need to get from their designer, following these pro-tips will get your design ready to be turned into code by our team at The Site Slinger.

7 Pro-Tips for Web Design

design in Photoshop, it is the best for web design (sorry, Illustrator, Fireworks and InDesign fans!)

DO design all of the pages you want to see as HTML or on a WordPress site — We match your designs exactly!

DO design all animation states, javascript validation, button states (click, hover, off), modals and anything else you can think of. If you don’t see it in the design, we can’t see it to code it!

DO label and organize your Photoshop design “PSD” files — 1 page per PSD, organized into labeled folders and layers.

DO say “I’m not sure, I will have to check” to a client if you are unsure on complex functionality or implementation — Its okay to say “I don’t know” – that’s why we are here!

 talk with your developer and spec out your project before signing off on designs.

DO ask questions and get to know your friendly Austin, Texas web developer. We are always happy to answer questions about turning designs into code!

Have a question about one of these pro-tips or want to know more? Chat with a Site Slinger from 8am-6pm CST here on our website, or contact us.

*Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, used under the Creative Commons license.

Design Rules for PSD to HTML

Want to make your development team love you? Learn how to design your PSD (Photoshop design files) into clearly labeled, appropriately layered files for PSD to HTML!

If you’re coding PSD to HTML/CSS, you know that there’s often a disconnect between the person creating the designs and the development team coding them. With well organized and labeled files you can avoid many of the worst web development pitfalls.

By following these simple steps you can hand your PSD designs off to a good PSD to HTML team and they will come in back pixel-perfect, just like you imagined. This makes PSD to HTML easy for both you and the development team.

Some basic rules to follow:

1. One PSD file per page template or folders for each page in a single PSD file. What is a PSD?

2. Label all folders with the section of content on the page they refer to (Top navigation, Content, Footer, etc) Example

3. Separate folders for “on” and “off” states.  Make sure to separate your on/off states into different folders so the development team can easily identify the different states in the design.

4. Provide a text file or .pdf that clearly outlines all functionality for the individual pages (this includes things like animations, slide transitions, etc.)

5. Be sure to design all animation states, javascript validation, button states (click, hover, off), modals and anything else you can think of. If you don’t see it in the design, we can’t see it to code it!

 PSD to HTML Example

This is an example of a PSD single page with well organized folders for the content of the page. The organization of this is is clear and easy to follow.There are subfolders for each portion, clearly labeled.

PSD File Structure

Within the folder structure each page has its own subfolders that are all appropriately named. The elements for each group are within the subfolder and vector images are imported to the file when necessary (logos or other images). Make sure to show different on / off states. Rather than show multiple flat files for each state, they should be organized and named within the PSD in a way that the development team can understand.

Below is a good example of how files should be organized when you hand them off to your development team. You will see that there is 1 PSD per page with all of the necessary states for web development included in each PSD file.

Photoshop (PSD) File Structure



If you hand us well organize and labeled PSD files, our team will code the HTML/CSS and hand you back pixel perfect, markup!

Final Markup (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)



If you have questions about the process we would love to hear your thoughts in the comments!