Take Your Advertising Campaigns to the Next Level with Our HTML5 Banners

Our HTML 5 Banners

Advertising has always had a huge significance for businesses of all kinds. In the tough and highly competitive world of commerce today, though, it has acquired even greater importance than ever. 

Nowadays, all companies realize the value that online advertising can bring them. The leading position among online promotion methods is rightly occupied by the HTML5 banner ads.

HTML5 banners are highly engaging, visually attractive, and efficient means of conveying business messages and acquiring leads.

We at the Site Slinger saw the value of HTML5 banners right from the start. Now, after many years and thousands of successfully completed projects, we proudly hold the status of a leading provider of this type of display ads. Want to know exactly what we can offer you? Read on.


First, a few words about the technology itself. This is what makes HTML5 so desirable for making banners:

HTML5 Benefits

  • HTML5 banners will look perfect, regardless of the screen resolution of the device where they’re displayed. The Site Slinger builds completely responsive banner ads. 
  • A number of major advertising networks (e.g., Google Ads) accept ads built by using HTML5 and nothing else (e.g., Flash). 
  • HTML5 banners can have moving design elements. 
  • No add-ons are necessary. The target audience will see your message without fail. This is not always possible with Flash if a user has disabled it in their browser or simply forgot to update it. 
  • HTML5 banners weigh much less than ads built with the use of other technologies such as animated gifs. This significantly increases the page loading speed, contributing to better user experience and higher click-through rates.

These and other advantages of the HTML5 technology convinced our banner development professionals to make it our principal tool of the trade, and we’ve never regretted our choice. We’ve already built thousands of beautiful-looking, high-quality HTML5 banners of the following types. Take your pick!


Interactive Banner One

As the name suggests, visitors can interact with this type of banner. For instance, they can see more information about the advertised products by using a slider right inside an ad or play a simple game without leaving an ad. 

In the end, a prospect or customer is taken to a landing page where they can view the corresponding offer in detail. That contributes to better brand recognition, plus a higher conversion and increased click-through rates. 

It’s true that interactive banners are the most expensive type of HTML5 ads we build: $124 for one. That’s because they require more effort and time it takes us to make one such banner. That said, interactive banners can hit the target three times more often than other types of ads on average. 

Simple Animated and Complex Animated 

Simple animated

Complex Animated Banner

While just a bit less engaging than interactive ads, these types of HTML5 banners are still very powerful tools in any digital advertiser’s arsenal. 

They represent design elements that move, hiding other design elements that appeared before them or taking their positions inside other elements at certain time intervals. Thanks to this effect, you have an opportunity to provide more information about your business propositions within the same square or rectangular area. 

Images or other design components can move once only in accordance with a specific animation effect (e.g., slowly appear on the background or float from one side of the ad to another) or do that a specified number of times. In addition, some elements can remain stationary while others are moving. The final price depends on how elaborate and effect-rich the ad is. 

Even though one complex animated banner costs $86, this is not expensive, considering what benefits these display ads can bring you (higher click-through rates and better engagement). 


Static Banner

Owing to relative simplicity, one such ad is way less expensive than its more exquisite “relatives.” Our price is $22 a piece. 

There are other positive aspects:

  •  Static ads are not annoying, taking up their portion of a page without “dancing” before a user’s eyes.
  • You can still send your message to the world loud and clear.
  • Static ads are always in sight. That contributes to better brand awareness.

The types of HTML5 banners we build


We know that you may require something unique, something to produce the wow effect among your target audience. This is why our HTML5 banner ad service is not limited by the banner varieties we’ve described above. Just tell us what you need. We’ll implement any feature not included in our list. 

Have no design yet? No problem. We take care of the full development cycle, starting from the initial design and ending with the final delivery, and all this within one business day on average. We can also integrate a video file into your banner if necessary. 

In addition, we’ll make sure that your HTML5 banners seamlessly integrate with any advertising network, including IAB, Display & Video 360, Celtra, Google Ads, SIzmek, and others. 

So select a standard HTML5 banner or give us your own ideas. The Site Slinger is always here for you!

7 Tips on Creating an HTML5 Banner Ad None of Your Prospects Will Miss


Tips on creating effective HTML 5 banners

No business can survive without advertising, obviously. Banner ads are among the most effective means of attracting new customers on the Internet. Just open any serious website and you’re bound to see enticing banners for products or services on almost every page. 

Banner advertising pursues several goals:

  • drive more traffic to a website 
  • make a product or service more popular and recognizable 
  • create a positive brand image

Banner ads have another important benefit. If a visitor clicks on an ad and lands on the advertiser’s website, it means that they’re truly interested in the offer. Thus, their status is close to that of a prospective customer.

To judge how effective banner advertising is, the Click-Through Rate (CTR) indicator has been introduced. It measures how many people have clicked on a banner per one thousand times it has been viewed. For instance, 20 clicks/1,000 views = CTR of 2 percent.

How can you achieve a higher CTR? By choosing the right type of banner for your specific case and applying certain time-tested techniques. We’ve collected 7 best tips to help you boost the CTR for your banner ads. Follow these guidelines and you should soon notice a steady increase in your website traffic.

  1. Choose the Right Technology

It’s simple: HTML5 is the King of Kings when it comes to building banner ads. HTML5 has outperformed the previous leader in this field ― Flash ― by the widest of margins:

HTML 5 benefits

The latest version of the markup language is particularly valuable for building responsive websites that perfectly render on mobile devices. Result: a much wider audience coverage. 

In addition, you can edit your HTML5 banner ad as if it were an ordinary web page. Changing the text, videos, or images inside your banner is a breeze (if you know how). Flash-based banners are much harder to modify. 

  1. Pick the Optimal Banner Size 

Mark Twain famously said, “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” When talking about banner ads, though, “the size of the dog” matters no less than its fighting spirit. 

Visit the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) website. There, you can find the main requirements for banner sizes that various advertising networks have put in place. The list contains 15 different formats. Which is yours? 

Your ad design and business goals determine the answer. Vertical or horizontalit’s all case-specific. Still, AdSense has found these five formats to be undisputed leaders in terms of performance:

The leading banner sizes

Play around with them before you look to the underdogs. You may also be interested to know that wider banners have shown better click-through rates than narrow ones. Why? 

As is often the case, it all boils down to UX. Most people feel more comfortable reading longer lines from left to right. A thin banner, by contrast, mostly contains one or two-word lines. That makes the reader’s eyes jump from line to line far too often.

  1. Put Your Brand Above All 

When you start designing a banner ad, the first thing to keep in mind is your brand. People should know what company is advertising the goods or services. Otherwise, they may not even consider pointing the mouse cursor at your banner.

You can establish a connection between your company and the ad in two main ways: 

  • By displaying your logo or brand name within the banner. The most typical location for a brand logo is the uppermost or lowermost portion of an ad. However, you can be more creative in this respect. No logo available? Place your brand name somewhere on the ad at least. Whichever option you select, website visitors will be aware of your business even if they don’t click on the banner in the end.

Put your brand above all

  • By following the pattern common for all your marketing materials. That includes fonts, colors, and visuals. Giving the call-to-action button the same color or style as that of the landing page, for example, will create a permanent link between the banner and your brand in your prospects’ minds. 
  1. Keep Your Text Short

Scroll up to the list of the most popular banner ad sizes. None of them is too big, right? It means that you have to be very resourceful if you want to get your message across within such a limited space. Pin down the most essential details about your offering. A few lines too many and your beautifully designed banner will send any potential customers running away. 

Ask someone to read your ad. If they can’t fully understand the message after two seconds, cut your text down. Make sure you keep your ad to 10 words in length or less.

Keep the text of your banner short

  1. Create a Hierarchy for Your Information

You should structure all your messages on the more important-less important principle. The larger or bolded words will let the viewers understand that they’re central to the ad. Smaller, unbolded letters will indicate that it’s something extra, secondary to the key message.

Create a hierarchy for your infromation

Also, make sure you use mobile-friendly fonts and colors: 

  • The black-white combination works perfectly well in the majority of cases. 
  • Helvetica, Geneva, Arial, Avant Garde, Franklin Gothic, or other sans-serif fonts make your ads easier to read than serif fonts. 
  • Avoid extremes: a text that’s too big or too small (10 points or less). Strive for the golden mean. 
  1. Draw a Border Around Your Ad

In certain cases, it’s hard to tell where the main website content ends and a banner begins. 

If the website visitors can’t find your banner at once, they’re less likely to click on it, you bet. A fix? 

  • Give your ad a border 
  • Pick a background for your ad that differs from the rest of the page. 

That will make your ad stand out from the other content. Any visitor will immediately notice it. The better people see your ad, the more likely they’re to click on it.

Make you HTML 5 banner ad different from the surrounding content

  1. Entice Them 

Finally, remember that you should give your prospective or current customers something that will really draw them in. When they see the words “free trial,” they’re more likely to click on your banner. You can also write something like “Only in May” or “Just Now!” That will create a sense of urgency. 

Another way to get people to click on your banner is to come up with a good call-to-action (CTA). Experiment with different CTAs by running A/B tests. Choose a CTA that’s more specific than the ubiquitous “Click here.” Consider what it is you’re offering and try to use a “buzz” phrase. For example, you may write, “Buy the full solution for just…” or “Get certified in 2 weeks.”



Creating an effective banner ad is a science and an art. Try following the tips we’ve given above, and your next banner should bring you more new customers.  

If you need someone to take care of the technical aspect of your banner creation, the Site Slinger professionals are here to help. We can build several types of HTML5 banners: static, simple animated, complex animated, and interactive. Just give us your design and get back a perfect HTML5 banner tested on a variety of real devices and in the most popular web browsers.

We can also design your banner from scratch. Just provide us with the details of your offering and give us your ideas of how the banner should look like. You’ll be pleased with the outcome, we promise!