Is Bootstrap the Right Choice for WordPress Theme Development?


Is WordPress theme development with Bootstrap still a valid option? Let’s find out.

When it comes to building a website, there are a few methods you can choose from. The first is the from-scratch approach, which involves hiring skilled developers to create a custom solution tailored to your needs. While effective, this method can be costly.

Alternatively, you can use a site builder that offers pre-designed templates and basic features. This allows you to get your site up and running quickly, but it may lack a professional look and feel.

But what if there was a way to combine the best of both worlds? Enter WordPress theme development with Bootstrap. Many companies are now choosing WordPress as their platform of choice and customizing their themes using Bootstrap.

In this post, we’ll explore whether WordPress theme development using Bootstrap 5 truly provides businesses with the value they desire.

Introducing Bootstrap: The Ultimate CSS Framework


What is Bootstrap?

For those unfamiliar with Bootstrap, it is a CSS framework designed to create responsive user interfaces. Initially developed by Twitter to streamline their back-end engineers’ workflow, Bootstrap’s source code was publicly released in 2011.

Today, Bootstrap reigns as the most popular CSS framework across the internet, with 165k stars on GitHub at the time of writing.

The magic of Bootstrap lies in its responsive capabilities. By providing a collection of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, it simplifies site development through pre-defined CSS classes (built on Object-Oriented CSS).

Take, for instance, aligning an image using a native Bootstrap class:

<img class="img-fluid" src="example.jpg" alt="Example Image">

Bootstrap achieves flawless responsiveness by incorporating media queries that adapt to specific screen sizes. It effortlessly transforms WordPress themes into mobile-friendly layouts:

@media (max-width: 768px) {

 /* Styles for small screens */

@media (min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 1024px) {

 /* Styles for medium screens */

@media (min-width: 1025px) {

 /* Styles for large screens */


Furthermore, Bootstrap integrates a 12-column grid system built on top of flexbox (starting from Bootstrap 4), complete with predefined classes. Below is a code snippet that creates three equal columns across various screen sizes:

<div class="row">

 <div class="col-sm-4">

   <!-- Column 1 -->


 <div class="col-sm-4">

   <!-- Column 2 -->


 <div class="col-sm-4">

   <!-- Column 3 -->



With Bootstrap, developers can effortlessly craft visually appealing and highly responsive websites.

The Key Advantages of Bootstrap for WordPress Theme Development

Bootstrap offers a range of benefits beyond its ability to create beautifully responsive websites. Here’s a quick overview of these advantages:

Bug-Free and Browser Compatible


Ensuring a website performs flawlessly across different browsers is crucial for any web developer. With traditional approaches, browser incompatibility can be a persistent issue. However, Bootstrap is a game-changer. Thanks to its extensive community of contributors, any reported issues are quickly addressed. This means websites built with Bootstrap render impeccably, regardless of the browser being used.

Efficient Web Development Process

Time is money, and Bootstrap understands that. By taking care of routine tasks like font handling, media queries, and layout, Bootstrap frees up valuable time for developers. This enables them to focus on building custom features without distractions.

Additionally, Bootstrap provides comprehensive documentation, ensuring developers have immediate access to answers and solutions on various forums.

Flexible Customization

One standout feature of Bootstrap is its flexibility. It’s like going shopping – you can choose the elements you need from the Bootstrap library and create a custom collection.

Furthermore, you can customize the standard Bootstrap library by modifying mixins and reassigning variables directly in the framework’s source code. This allows you to tailor Bootstrap to meet your project’s specific requirements. If you encounter any technical challenges along the way, the skilled front-end developers at the Site Slinger are always available to assist.

Seamless Integration, Minimal Plugins


Often, websites require numerous interactive features, leading developers to rely on various jQuery plugins. However, excessive plugin usage can lead to compatibility issues and version mismatches. The latest version of Bootstrap (starting from version 5) has transitioned completely to vanilla JavaScript, making integration with your site effortless and hassle-free.

Now that you understand the power of Bootstrap in speeding up and enhancing the web development process, the question remains: “Is Bootstrap suitable for WordPress Theme Development?”

WordPress Theme Development with Bootstrap: Is It Worth It?


WordPress is powerful and flexible. As the most popular content management system on the market, choosing WordPress for your site is a smart decision.

WordPress offers a wide range of free and paid ready-made themes that even beginners can easily install. If you have some knowledge of HTML and CSS, you can customize a theme to make it unique and stand out from the rest.

However, these cosmetic changes may not bring you the desired benefits. That’s why many site owners prefer to build a custom WordPress theme. A custom theme provides a truly unique interface with all the necessary features for your specific business.

Creating a one-of-a-kind theme can be a time-consuming process that requires knowledge and skill. Developers not only need to build the theme, but also test it for compatibility with different browsers and devices. This is where WordPress theme development with Bootstrap comes in handy.

While Bootstrap was not originally designed for creating WordPress themes, you can integrate it into your custom theme in several ways. For example, you can include links in your project files to retrieve Bootstrap’s compiled CSS and JavaScript from a CDN (Content Delivery Network).

Developing a WordPress theme with Bootstrap involves creating a specific project structure and following essential steps. However, we won’t delve into those details here.

What’s important is that once you have integrated Bootstrap and WordPress, you can leverage all the great features of the framework, including its built-in classes and the responsive grid system using flexbox. The result will be a theme that works perfectly across different browsers and devices.

In addition, there are many WordPress Bootstrap plugins available that can enhance the functionality of your site. For example, you can use a plugin to add a Bootstrap carousel or transform your navigation menu into a Twitter-style one. The possibilities are endless.

Does WordPress Theme Development With Bootstrap Come With Any Challenges?


While there are numerous benefits to using the Bootstrap framework for WordPress site owners, it does come with its own set of limitations. Here are some well-known challenges that you may encounter when using the CDN version of Bootstrap. However, by opting to work with source files, you can avoid these issues altogether.

Excessive Code Bloat

Bootstrap provides a wide range of classes for creating various web page components. However, this can become overwhelming as not every project requires all of the framework’s classes. Why burden your website with unnecessary code when you only need a select few?

Rigid Breakpoints

The framework employs predefined breakpoints in its media queries. Customizing these breakpoints to meet unique design requirements can be a labor-intensive task for developers. If you’re seeking a truly distinct design, be prepared for some unexpected hurdles.

Uniformity Among Themes

While easy WordPress theme development with Bootstrap is a boon, it also has its drawbacks. Due to its simplicity in installation and operation, Bootstrap has gained immense popularity, leading to a plethora of themes that appear strikingly similar. Many users opt for basic, functional themes without delving deeper to make them truly distinctive.

It’s important to note that these limitations should not discourage you from using Bootstrap. Seasoned developers, such as the front-end professionals at the Site Slinger, possess the necessary expertise to overcome these challenges effortlessly.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, the Bootstrap CSS framework offers a wealth of benefits for WordPress theme development. Among its key advantages are browser compatibility, efficient web development processes, flexible customization options, and seamless integration with minimal plugins.

However, it’s equally important to recognize potential challenges such as code bloat, rigid breakpoints, and theme uniformity. Despite these challenges, the framework’s advantages far outweigh its limitations.

Bootstrap’s potential in enhancing and hastening the web development process, and its compatibility with WordPress makes it an invaluable resource for creating unique, responsive themes.

5 Hottest Web Development Trends in 2019

The hottest web development trends in 2019

We’re well into 2019 now, and the web development world is in many ways different from the 2018 edition. While all of the front-end technologies and practices that piqued people’s excitement in the last twelve months or so are still here, new trends are gradually cropping up. 

The key principle that all web developers, including the Site Slinger experts, strive to follow, though, remains unchanged. It’s the need to engage users and personalize their digital experience. We’ve prepared a rundown of the most notable web development trends in 2019 that focus on these goals exactly.

Progressive Web Apps Versus Responsive Websites: Meet the Winner

Progressive Web Apps

First, there were static websites with just HTML and not much else. Then came CSS, Javascript, and other technologies that made websites more dynamic and responsive. These days, however, responsiveness has transformed into a much broader notion.

Just a responsive website is no longer enough to meet the users’ growing demands in 2019. On certain devices, it may not look as attractive as you might expect. That limitation gave rise to an alternative solution: Progressive Web Apps (PWA).

A PWA is a website that perfectly adapts to the specifics of the device where it gets displayed: screen resolution and size, browser, and hardware features. As a result, it’s almost impossible to notice any differences between a PWA and a native app.

Here are the key benefits that PWAs give web developers and users: 

  • Since they can access the device’s hardware, you can use PWAs offline. 
  • They’re fast, even on outdated or poor-quality devices with a weak signal. 
  • They’re a step up in security compared with responsive websites 
  • They are cost-effective and less time-consuming to create. 

Your main takeaway? Lower bounce and higher conversion rates. 

“How may I help  you?” — AI and Chatbots

Artificial Intelligence

According to a recent report from Gartner, 37% of organizations have implemented Artificial Intelligence in various forms, and this trend is going to continue in the foreseeable future.

Almost every business website uses a live chat as a permanent point of connection with consumers. Now, this feature has become more sophisticated. No more need to hire a human support agent waiting for a customer to text a question at 3 a.m. 

Just get a chatbot made and keep it running day and night. Thanks to the breakthrough in Natural Language Processing, chatbots no longer resemble mechanically speaking toys. They’re now able to answer typical questions from the Q&A page in a much more meaningful way and even solve simple issues that users may encounter. 

So, expect chatbot development to remain in high demand in 2019 and years to come.

Push Notifications: Everywhere, Anywhere 

Email newsletters are still a popular way to inform consumers of new services or update them on company news. However, they are slowly but steadily being replaced by push notifications. 

In the past, these unobtrusive messages used to be limited to mobile devices. In 2019, an increasing number of website owners regard push notifications as a more valuable tool to stay in touch with their users. 

Which is better: the inbox drowned in hundreds of newsletters or a tiny notification icon on the toolbar? We would choose the latter. You can add the push notification feature to a website by subscribing to a service like PushWoosh. WordPress website owners can also take advantage of various dedicated plugins like PushEngage

The Site Slinger has implemented thousands of WordPress projects over the years. We are providers of all the services related to this most popular CMS in the world, including theming, customizing existing or building custom plugins from scratch.

No More Coding! Use Blocks


New versions of content management systems provide more powerful features to their users than ever before. Know nothing about CSS rules or HTML tags? It’s OK. You can still put together a sleek web page just like a professional web designer does (well, almost). 

Simply take ready-made blocks or modules and mix them together. The website module building is only expected to grow in popularity in 2019 and beyond. That’s particularly true for WordPress users, who can use Gutenberg to “make adding rich content to WordPress simple and enjoyable.” 

Smooth Website Navigation: Motion UI

Websites with visually appealing and simple navigation elements are likely to hold users’ attention for a longer span. When they know where to go and find surfing a website enjoyable, they will keep returning to it. 

Creating smooth and straightforward navigation by using CSS animations/transitions is a trend that shows no signs of stopping in 2019. Motion UI is one of the best web development libraries for that purpose, flexible and customizable.

The Site Slinger web developers are skilled in creating dynamic and modern-looking interfaces by using a range of cutting-edge tools and libraries. 

Concluding Thoughts 

There’s no doubt: the web development industry is going to keep on flourishing. Websites and web apps are going to be faster, more secure, interactive, and AI-wise. Whatever modern technologies you select for your website, the top-of-the-line developers from The Site Slinger are always at your service.

The Easiest way to order PSD to HTML, from The Site Slinger

The Site Slinger turns designs into code, and sets itself apart from other PSD to HTML companies with its quality, reliability, & speed. We are the only company to offer easy online ordering and a fully transparent development process.

We’ve implemented a new online ordering system!

Check out this walk-through and see how easy and fast it is to get your project from design to code with PSD to HTML from The Site Slinger.


Enter your email address and password, or select CREATE ACCOUNT at the top to register as a new customer.

The easiest PSD to HTML



We make it a breeze! In the SUBMIT A NEW ORDER section upload your PSD file(s) via drag-and-drop, or click ‘Pick File’ to browse and select your file. We’ll see the files right away, and you can always add more later.

The easiest PSD to HTML



While your file is uploading, let us know your Project Name, and select your Project Type & Project Deadline from the drop down options. Tell us a little bit about your project, or ask any questions you might have – we’ll see your order immediately and are ready to help.

The easiest PSD to HTML



To view an existing order, select YOUR ORDERS from the left menu. Your current orders, and completed orders, will be listed. Select the VIEW PROJECT button to see an order’s details. A consolidated list of your order history makes for easy reference – each and every time.

The easiest PSD to HTML



We want you to feel happy, not sad, during development so we built a fully transparent ordering process. In the project details screen you can view the Project Status, Project Price, Confirmed Delivery date and even view an Invoice in the left sidebar. You can also leave your comments about the project and check for our replies. You will receive an email notification whenever we comment or have an update for you. That’s how we keep you updated at each step in the development process!

The easiest PSD to HTML



On the ORDER FILES tab within the same screen you can review the file(s) you’ve already uploaded, and add more files, if you need to. As always, we’ll promptly review your order & files, and ensure everything’s in place for a quote. That’s just the first step in getting the project turned around as quickly as possible – we make sure all PSD to HTML projects are completed in 7 business days or less.

The easiest PSD to HTML



Click the BACK TO YOUR ACCOUNT button in the upper right to go back to the main account page. From here, you can also Edit Your Profile, or get your Referral Program details. Spread the word about The Site Slinger and receive a credit on future orders!

The easiest PSD to HTML


What we do.


Built for designers and headquartered in Austin, Texas, The Site Slinger makes building custom websites easy.  Send us your PSD files and we return HTML code in 7 business days or less. Take our HTML and use it to create custom websites, WordPress themes, web apps, enterprise software or whatever else you can think of. This is the fastest way to get building for all your web projects.

PSD to WordPress

Our PSD to WordPress product is the best starting point for custom WordPress development. We hand code your PSD files into static HTML views and then compile them into a basic WordPress theme for custom development. We deliver the WordPress theme files and SQL file for your developer to customize.

If your project requires additional development and your team is without a developer we can recommend great developers.

We want to give web design and development teams an upper hand with easy PSD to HTML and WordPress. Our easy online ordering, personal 24/7 service, and expert developers take the pain out of outsourced development.

Test us out! Submit a design for a free quote today and we’ll be happy to give you a $100 discount off your first order. If you have any questions, just let us know!

The Site Slinger Makes Design to Code Easy.

The Site Slinger makes design to code easy. Headquartered in Austin, our quality, reliability, and speed makes us different than other PSD to HTML companies. We are the only company to offer easy online ordering and a fully transparent development process.

The Easiest Way to Order PSD to HTML

We’ve just recreated The Site Slinger from the ground up focused on offering you the easiest PSD to HTML option, and we want to know what you think! Create an account, upload designs and we will get you a quote in 24 hours or less. Our easy to use online ordering system makes it simple to check the status of your current projects, submit new projects, see order history, and connect with the developers.

We love to code and we know how bad outsourced development can be. Try us for your next PSD to HTML project and get $100 off your first order. Please reach out if you have questions or comments, we would love to hear your feedback!

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Best Resources for Learning WordPress Development

Odds are, if you’re a web developer, learning WordPress is either on your todo list or something that you’ve already committed yourself to. Learning to build WordPress themes is an excellent professional move that will open you to a wealth of new clients and personal opportunities.

Odds are, if you’re a web developer, learning WordPress is either on your todo list or something that you’ve already committed yourself to. Learning to build WordPress themes is an excellent professional move that will open you to a wealth of new clients and personal opportunities.

To follow up our article last week on tutorials for learning web design, below is a list of books and free tutorials specifically targeted at learning to develop for WordPress. Whether you’ve never heard of WordPress or are just looking to update your current WordPress skill set, there are plenty of resources below to get you on your way.

Free Tutorials

If you’re on a budget and need to learn quick, free tutorials provide a great way to get started and provide just enough information to help you pick up WordPress without bogging you down with too much unnecessary extras.

WordPress 3.0: Ultimate Guide to New Features (Six Revisions)

Many of the articles below are for older versions of WordPress so I wanted to begin by pointing out this guide to WordPress 3.0. The older articles still have plenty of solid information and relevant examples, just be sure to keep the newest version of WordPress in mind when reading them.


How to Create a WordPress Theme from Scratch: NetTuts

“Following on from the recent article on “PSD to HTML”, this tutorial will look at taking a HTML/CSS template and turning it into a functioning WordPress theme. There is so much you can do when creating your own theme we couldn’t nearly cover it all. So, we’re going to look at how themes are structured, creation of the core files and splitting up that index.html file.”


Designing for WordPress: CSS Tricks

“Over the last few weeks, I have been been doing a video screencast series on Designing for WordPress. It is a three-part series which covers downloading and installing WordPress on a server all the way to a completed theme.”


Premium WordPress Theme Design: Design Reviver

“This time you’ll learn how to slice the design and convert it into XHTML + CSS, then I’ll show you how to use the css files to mock-up a WordPress template.”


WordPress Theme Development Checklist: divtodesign

“As you might know, I have been diving into WordPress theme development and I’ve learned many tips and tricks along the way. I noticed I was forgetting about some small issues all the time. That’s why I decided to make a WordPress Theme Development Checklist. ”


How To Create WordPress Themes From Scratch: ThemeTation

“I’m going to show you how to create a wordpress theme from scratch in these 3 parts of tutorial series. I will cover from Structuring, designing in Photoshop, slicing, coding into fully css based html, and finally wordpress implementation.”


Creating WordPress Themes: Introduction

“This new series will begin with the basics and then I’ll proceed to more advanced techniques. I will also be incorporating different techniques that I’ve picked up from other developers that I’ve found to be extremely handy, and I’ll be providing links and credits to that info as I go along.”


Developing a WordPress Theme: Dezinerfolio

“Instead of coming up with some more themes, we decided to write a tutorial on how to develop a wordpress theme which we are sure will help a lot of you to design as you wish and bring them out into wordpress. We are not too advanced wordpress developers but still we are sure the below tutorial will help you successfully develop a wordpress theme. Below you will learn to convert your xHTML CSS site into a Compact WordPress Theme (final output is same as the normal theme but here code is shorter and easier to understand).”


How to Build a Custom WordPress Theme from Scratch: SpoonGraphics

“If you’re confident with your CSS and HTML, it’s not hard at all to step up to the challenge of building a custom WordPress theme. This overview shows the process of how my latest custom WordPress theme was built from design concept through to completed theme. See how the static design is split up into the various WordPress theme files, and discover how the simple PHP snippets can add that dynamic functionality of a blog.”


Creating A Quality WordPress Theme: 12 Points to Consider (Noupe)

“But what exactly makes a WordPress theme great? How does one go about creating a quality theme? In fact, it’s not that difficult. You can do a few simple things while developing your theme—from the planning stage right through coding—to make it stand out from the legions of average (and below-average) themes out there.”


Customize Your Own WordPress Theme: Vandelay Design

“An increasing number of businesses and website owners are using blogs as a means of communication with their customers and website visitors. If your business already has a website it is possible to have a blog that matches the look and feel of your existing website without doing a complete re-design and without paying thousands of dollars to have the blog developed. Using WordPress you can tailor an already existing blog theme to seamlessly flow with the rest of your website.”


Designing and Coding a WordPress Theme From Scratch: DeveloperTutorials

“In this multi-part series I’ll detail how to create and design a WordPress theme from nothing more than your imagination using Photoshop, CSS, XHTML and PHP.”


So you want to create WordPress themes huh?

“Creating a WordPress theme from scratch is not hard. I’ll hold your hand through it. Tutorials on this topic have been written before and the WordPress website also has guides for you to follow. But are those tutorials and guides really helpful to you when you don’t understand the lingo? Even I got lost while reading the WordPress guides.”


Create Your Own WordPress Theme from an HTML Template

“In this article, I’ll show you how to take an existing HTML and CSS site template and convert it into a theme for WordPress. Of course, WordPress theming is much too vast a topic to cover entirely in a single article, so I’ll provide you with some resources at the end to further your learning. It’s hoped, though, that this article will serve as a good introduction and give you a solid foundation to start learning about creating your own WordPress themes.”


How To Create a WordPress Theme: The Ultimate WordPress Theme Tutorial (ThemeShaper)

“In Only 11 Individual Lessons this WordPress Theme Tutorial is going to show you how to build a powerful, up-to-date, WordPress Theme from scratch. As we go along I’ll explain what’s happening including (for better or worse) my thinking on certain techniques and why I’m choosing one path over another. Essentially, I’ll be teaching you everything you need to know about WordPress Theme development.”


Building Custom WordPress Theme

“This chapter will show you how to build a custom WordPress theme. Although the Codex site provides very good documentations on how to create a theme, but I find it too complicated for a beginner. In this tutorial, I will explain the basics of how WordPress theme works and show you how to convert a static HTML template into a theme. No PHP skill is required, but you need Photoshop and CSS skills to create your own design.”


Books on WordPress

If you’re serious about becoming a professional WordPress developer, it’s time to pick up a good book on the subject. These are usually far more in-depth than free tutorials and really cover the material you need to know inside and out.

Below are a few great books to consider in your search. Some are physical books that you can purchase on Amazon, others downloadable PDFs.

Rockstar WordPress Designer: $29

“During the course of the book you’ll build THREE WordPress themes, a blog, a portfolio site and a general site with menus and submenus. Each theme demonstrates different aspects of WordPress theming and all three are packaged in with the book so you’ll have Photoshop, HTML, CSS and WordPress PHP files to refer to.”


Beginning WordPress 3: $26.99

“WordPress is one of the most popular blogging and content management web templating platforms—it easily allows you and your business to make a statement about yourself and what you do. WordPress is also quite cost-effective, as it’s free for just about anyone to use. WordPress is colorful and flexible, and includes a variety of themes, templates, and plug-ins for you to explore and use. Beginning WordPress 3 aims to address these for the beginner who wants to start using and developing with WordPress.”


WordPress For Dummies: $16.49

“The bestselling guide to WordPress, fully updated for newest version of WordPress. WordPress, the popular, free blogging platform, has been updated with new features and improvements. Bloggers who are new to WordPress will learn to take full advantage of its flexibility and usability with the advice in this friendly guide.”


Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog: $29.69

“Smashing WordPress shows you how to utilize the power of the WordPress platform, and provides a creative spark to help you build WordPress-powered sites that go beyond the obvious. You will learn the core concepts used to build just about anything in WordPress, resulting in fast deployments and greater design flexibility. Inside, WordPress expert Thord Daniel Hedengren takes you beyond the blog and shows you how WordPress can serve as a CMS, a photo gallery, an e-commerce site, and more.”


Professional WordPress: $29.69

“An in-depth look at the internals of the WordPress system. As the most popular blogging and content management platform available today, WordPress is a powerful tool. This exciting book goes beyond the basics and delves into the heart of the WordPress system, offering overviews of the functional aspects of WordPress as well as plug-in and theme development.”


WordPress: Visual QuickStart Guide

“This book gives readers the tools they need to create beautiful, functional WordPress-powered sites with minimal hassle. Using the WordPress user interface as a baseline, authors Jessica Neuman Beck and Matt Beck walk new users through the installation and setup process while providing valuable tips and tricks for more experienced users. With no other resource but this guide, readers can set up a fully-functional and well-designed WordPress site that takes advantage of all the features WordPress has to offer.”


Using WordPress: $16.49

“WordPress has grown into the #1 blogging tool in its category: several million bloggers have downloaded this powerful open source software, and millions more are using’s hosted services. Thirty-two of Technorati’s Top 100 blogs now use WordPress. Using WordPress is a customized, media-rich learning experience designed to help new users master WordPress quickly, and get the most out of it, fast! It starts with a concise, friendly, straight-to-the-point guide to WordPress. This exceptional book is fully integrated with an unprecedented collection of online learning resources: online video, screencasts, podcasts, and additional web content, all designed to reinforce key concepts and help users achieve real mastery. The book and online content work together to teach everything mainstream Wordpess users need to know.”


Head First WordPress: A Brain-Friendly Guide to Creating Your Own Custom WordPress Blog ($23.09)

“Whether you’re promoting your business or writing about your travel adventures, Head First WordPress will teach you not only how to make your blog look unique and attention-grabbing, but also how to take advantage of WordPress platform’s more complex features to make your website work well, too. You’ll learn how to move beyond the standard WordPress look and feel by customizing your blog with your own URL, templates, plugin functionality, and more. As you learn, you’ll be working with real WordPress files: The book’s website provides pre-fab WordPress themes to download and work with as you follow along with the text.”


Closing Thoughts

I hope the resources provide the catalyst you need to begin your journey as a WordPress developer. In closing, I want to remind you that the official WordPress codex is definitely on of the best resources out there for all things WordPress.

Let us know in the comments below if we left out any of your favorite tutorials or books for learning WordPress.