Resolving Common Challenges in Building a WordPress Website


WordPress has long been celebrated for its ease of installation and user-friendly interface, making it an ideal choice for both beginners and experienced developers looking to build websites. With its extensive range of themes, plugins, and customization options, WordPress empowers users to create stunning and functional sites with relative ease.

However, as with any powerful tool, there may come a time when issues arise during the WordPress development process. These issues can range from minor frustrations to more complex challenges that require expert guidance. In this post, we will delve into some of the most common of those issues and provide practical advice on how to resolve them effectively.

Whether you’re a novice WordPress user or an experienced developer, understanding these common pitfalls and learning how to address them will not only save you time and frustration but also enhance your overall WordPress development experience.

Let’s get started.

Challenges With Data in WordPress Website Development


Issue #1: Database Connection Failure

One common problem that many WordPress developers and users encounter is the inability to connect to the database. This can occur when trying to add a new blog post, for example. There are various reasons why this may happen:

Incorrect Database Connection Information

First, ensure that the wp-config.php file contains the correct username, password, hostname, and database name. It’s possible that someone may have changed these details without informing you. Check the file and make any necessary edits if the information is incorrect. If it is correct, continue troubleshooting.

Hosting Provider or Server Issue

Another potential cause of database connection problems is your hosting provider. It’s possible that you have exceeded the allowed amount of data in your database. Contact your hosting provider to confirm if this is the case. Additionally, there may be an issue with the server itself, which may require some time to resolve.

Issue #2: Excessive Unnecessary Data


Another significant challenge in WordPress website development is the accumulation of unnecessary data in your database. When you first install WordPress, your database is clean and well-organized. However, as you start adding posts, comments, and other content, additional tables may be created, leading to a complex data structure.

As more data accumulates, querying the database becomes increasingly difficult due to the numerous interrelationships between tables. This can result in slow website performance, especially when dealing with large amounts of data. While WordPress provides methods to simplify the table structure, it may not be sufficient for extensive data sets.

To address this issue, it is recommended to enlist the help of WordPress development experts. They can thoroughly review your database organization and propose effective strategies to maintain a clean and optimized database. With their expertise, you can ensure better performance and efficient data management for your WordPress website.

Common WordPress Issues Related to Plugins When Using or Developing a Website on this CMS


Headache #1: The Home Page or Another Page on Your Site Is Blank

A common issue reported by WordPress website development experts and users is encountering a blank page without any notifications. This problem often occurs when using plugins to enhance the functionality of a WordPress site.

Although WordPress continuously improves with each new release, it heavily relies on plugins for added features. With a vast array of plugins available, it’s easy to choose and install multiple plugins on your site.

However, this can lead to unforeseen problems, such as opening your WordPress website only to find a completely blank page. Without any warnings or notifications, it can be challenging to determine what went wrong.

In such cases, it is vital to consult a WordPress website development professional who can quickly identify the issue. Typically, this problem is caused by a faulty or outdated plugin that may not have been adequately tested.

To troubleshoot this issue, experts recommend temporarily deactivating all plugins to see if the problem persists. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Access your site via FTP.
  2. Locate the plugins directory.
  3. Rename the plugins directory to something different.

Now, refresh your site and check if the content reappears. If it does, then one of the plugins is causing the problem. Follow these additional steps to identify the culprit:

  1. Rename the plugins directory back to its original name.
  2. Move all plugin folders to a separate folder.
  3. Gradually move each folder back into the original plugins directory, checking the page after each addition.
  4. Once you identify the problematic plugin, remove it or replace it with a different one.

It’s important to note that this issue can affect any page on your WordPress website. Additionally, since PHP is commonly used in WordPress development, a lack of PHP memory can also cause this problem.

To further diagnose the issue, you can enable the debug mode by setting the WB_DEBUG constant to true in the wp-config.php file. This will provide more detailed information about the error, allowing for a quicker resolution.

Issue #2: Sluggish Page Loading Times Becoming a Headache

It’s no secret that plugin-related problems can arise during WordPress website development. While the plugins installed by you or a WordPress web developer may not be inherently faulty, the sheer number of plugins used could be the culprit. We understand the temptation to incorporate as many plugins as possible to fulfill your business needs.

However, an excessive number of add-ons can result in unpleasant WordPress issues, one of which is painfully slow page loading times. If you’ve noticed that your site’s speed is reminiscent of a bygone era rather than meeting modern expectations, it’s time to review your plugin list.

Ensure that you don’t have any unnecessary plugins weighing down your site. Consider streamlining your functions, such as retaining a single plugin for search engine optimization or data analytics purposes.

While custom WordPress development remains the optimal solution for a smooth and swift website operation, we understand that achieving optimal speed can be challenging on your own.

In such cases, it may be worth considering the expertise of our skilled WordPress and WooCommerce developers. Well-versed in essential web technologies, they can add the necessary features to your site, allowing you to avoid complete reliance on third-party WordPress plugin developers.

Some Other Common Issues That Can Arise During WordPress Website Building


Issue #1: The Infamous Parse Error

Dealing with a parse error in WordPress can be frustrating, but fear not, it’s usually an easy fix. Instead of reinventing the wheel, take advantage of others’ coding solutions. Even seasoned WordPress developers make mistakes.

The parse error often occurs due to a missing slash or bracket in external code. The good news is that the error message provides detailed information about the exact location within the file where the issue lies. Follow these steps to fix the issue:

  • FTP into your site
  • Locate the file specified in the error message
  • Identify the line(s) causing the problem
  • Correct the mistake and save the file
  • Refresh your browser.

Sometimes, clearing the cache in both the WP admin panel and on the server side might also be necessary.

Opting for expert white label WordPress development services ensures clean, error-free code. These professionals thoroughly test the project before delivering it to you.

Issue #2: Broken Links Leading to the Dreaded 404 Page

We’ve all experienced the frustration of clicking a link only to land on a page displaying a prominent “404” and the disheartening message that the page doesn’t exist. But fear not – you don’t need to be a WordPress web developer to ensure your visitors see the intended page instead of an error page, regardless of how stylish it may be.

Simply navigate to the WordPress admin area and locate the “permalinks” menu item. Check if the URL to which the link points is correct. If it’s incorrect, edit it and save the changes. There could be various reasons why a permalink leads to “nowhereland,” such as a deleted post.

In some cases, it’s advisable to save the permalink changes even if the URL is correct. Just click “Save changes.”

Another possible cause is a problem with the .htaccess file. To address this common WordPress issue, it’s recommended to consult a professional WordPress developer. Modifying the .htaccess file without proper expertise can have unintended consequences, considering its significance in website functionality.

Final Thoughts

WordPress is widely regarded as the most flexible and user-friendly content management system available. With each new version, the platform continues to improve and become more robust. However, it’s important to acknowledge that WordPress does have its fair share of shortcomings, as any WordPress web developer or user can attest.

This article has only touched on a few commonly reported issues that can arise during website development with WordPress. There may be other pitfalls awaiting developers and users alike.

While some non-technical administrators may be able to resolve certain WordPress problems on their own, there will inevitably come a time when an ordinary user encounters a problem they are unsure how to solve. This is when seeking advice from expert WordPress developers can truly add value.